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  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 4, 2023

    In my last editorial I mentioned that another Covid 19 mutation has started to show itself in our country. Every year since 2019, the United States and the world has witnessed another mutant of the original Chinese virus known as Covid. This one has the title of Eris. Since 2020 Americans have heard of election fraud accusing the Democrat party of ballot harvesting and ballot fraud. In 2022 a documentary released by Dinesh D'Souza, proved that at least 200,000 K mail in ballots helped Joe Biden steal the election that year.Ballot "Mules" aligne...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 27, 2023

    It seems that the Progressives are pushing for another government shutdown and face mask wearing because a new Covid virus, EG.5 [Eris] has been discovered and is making its rounds in the United States. So they elites want us to believe..It was late 2019 in Wuhan China that this infectious disease caused by the SARS-cov.2 virus was first brought to the world's population killing millions globally. The Center for Disease Control [CDC] tells us already that by September a new vaccine against this virus will be available to the public. The speed a...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 20, 2023

    The Environmental Protection agency has a mission. This mission is to protect Americans' health and save our environment from harm that would in the long run affect us in a negative and harmful way. But this organization that was formed during the President Richard Nixon era, has gotten way out of control. It was in July of 1970 that then President Nixon gave power to the EPA under the EPA order 11102.Since 1970, the EPA has been allowed to grow into a fierce competitor for our freedoms and desires as a people. On July 5, 2023 the American Petr...


    Harold Pease PhD|Sep 20, 2023

    Julie Ann Landgren has received well-deserved accolades for winning the state award for her mural on the old car wash across from the Busy Bee Café. However, also deserving of congratulations are high school students Caitlin Barber, Ciannon Crittendon, Ayden Mozqueda, and Skyler and Trent Hamilton with their mural on the south side of the current car wash on north Main. These students won 1st place in the Southeast Region, which included Billings. While their mural isn’t pretty by any means, the two represent a great contrast between a life li...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 13, 2023

    The Hawaiian islands are an archipelago of eight volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. Maui also called by Hawaiians, "The Valley Isle", and is the 7th.in the line of these islands, was woken up at 12:22 a.m. August 8 by the stench of fire burning and heat from the intense flames. The fires first broke out near a village called Kula where 12,000 residents made their home. The first responders and the frantic residents were not prepared for such a sudden life threatening emergency. In a 2018 WEF Globalists meeting in Davos Switzerland it was...

  • Protecting Montanans from government surveillance

    Sep 13, 2023

    By: Senator Ken Bogner We scored a big win for Montanans’ privacy and against invasive surveillance technology during this year’s legislative session. My Senate Bill 397 severely restricts government’s use of facial recognition technology and is now law in the Last Best Place. Legislators conducted a study of facial recognition between the 2021 and 2023 legislative sessions. We learned how state government was beginning to deploy the technology and even discovered that at least one school district (Sun River Valley) had already installed it in...

  • What is the "Irrefutable and Overwhelming" Evidence Trump says he has?

    Sep 13, 2023

    Donald Trump says he has “Irrefutable and Overwhelming” evidence, publicly never seen, that could free him quickly and turn the tables on his Deep State accusers. They, not he, are the insurrectionists. Some call it the Trump Card. Those following very closely know precisely what it is—his Executive Order 13848 and military intelligence gathered via the Space Force. Three truths need to be noted. The Deep State is real, is decades old, and is an enemy of our republic form of government created by our Founding Fathers. If readers use only Deep...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 6, 2023

    Americans were warned in a final Presidential speech given by 5-star General and our nation's 34th. President, Dwight D. Eisenhower about the power of a Military Industrial Complex.President Eisenhower held two terms as President from 1953 to 1961. In his speech on January 17, 1961, he told a listening and very alert American audience about the dangers of a military Deep State power. This is what the 34th.President had to say. "In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence, whether sought or...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 6, 2023

    Hi, I want to say that our community here in Roundup is amazing. My granddaughter has been granted a "wish" from Kids Wish Network based out of Florida. Magen, who is the wish coordinator got ahold of some of our community members and they pulled together a reveal for Amyah at the Roundup pool. She gets her dream vacation to Hawaii. Amyah was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Her 5 year old brother passed away the following day. Amyah has had 53 surgeries and more in the future. Amyah has a positive attitude...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 30, 2023

    Most of us knew before the 2020 Presidential election that Joe Biden was senile and had Alzheimer's disease. We also heard Barack Obama when preparing to leave the White House that he could use his cell phone to run this country during a behind the curtain third term as President of the United States. If you look back in time right after Joe Biden and the Deep State stole the 2020 election from President Donald J. Trump, at a press conference Obama walked in and the press wanted to talk with him not Joe Biden.Joe Biden stood behind Obama bewild...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Thomas L Knapp|Aug 30, 2023

    COVID-19: Never Let Them Re-Impose the "New Normal" I keep hearing that COVID-19 is back -- but of course, it never really left and likely never will. Case numbers and hospitalizations are ticking upward, something we're likely to see as a seasonal phenomenon from here on out. I finally experienced the virus firsthand last week. I rate it zero stars, not recommended. As flu-type illnesses go, it was far from the worst I've lived through, but it wasn't pleasant. I suppose I shouldn't complain. I've been getting off easy. It killed my mother in...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 23, 2023

    It’s time to claim your property tax rebate By: Sen. Daniel Zolnikov The state legislature passed $384 million in property tax rebates, the first half of which is currently available to Montanans. The window to claim your rebate—up to $675 on your primary residence—is August 15, 2023 to October 1, 2023. Go to getmyrebate.mt.gov to claim your rebate. The second round of rebates will be available during the same timeframe next year, so mark your calendar. You must file a claim to receive the property tax rebates to verify your primary resid...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 23, 2023

    The Democrat Party Hates America is the new book out written by Mark Levin. Mark Levin is a 7 times #1 best book seller and has his own news program. In his latest book he exposes how the Democrat party radical dangerous plan to upend American life. It is about American Marxism. Last week Mark Levin said something that caught my attention. He said that we were as Americans in a passive revolution. In other words, we are in an era of acceptance without question, about what happens or what others do. We see no active response to wrongs committed...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Aug 23, 2023

    “I was Arrested by my Political Opponent.” Trump It is indisputable to anyone who does his own research that the Dems have a history of cheating in recent elections. In 2016 it was Clinton / Obama illegal use of FIZA warrants; in 2018 the 22 month $32 million Mueller Investigation harassed him endlessly; in 2020 two impeachments. Trump indictments are just the latest method of election interference for 2024. Will it work? NO!! Democrats cried wolf too many times. Not one of the frivolous charges made by them the last eight years proved pro...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Aug 16, 2023

    “Can You Ring Your Dad?” Archer Testimony Decimates Joe Biden These five words “Can You Ring Your Dad,” were never openly said but certainly implied in the approximently 20 calls Joe Biden, then Vice President under Barack Obama, had with Hunter Biden’s business associates from 2014 forward. Devon Archer’s testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability chaired by James Comer, dismantled all the lies Joe had told for many years that he knew nothing of his sons overseas business dealings. Instead he was at the very center...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 16, 2023

    Thanks to the Democrat Joe Biden open border policy we now see the ancient disease known as Leprosy in our country. This terrible highly contagious disease caused by filth,was so rampant in ancient Rome, that the Romans placed people with Leprosy in caves outside city limits or on isolated islands away from the general public. Central Florida has several cases.Leprosy is a chronic bacterial infection that affects skin and the human nervous system.It is HIGHLY contagious. We also are seeing malaria in our nation once again. Malaria made it's...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 9, 2023

    Montana Democrats are out in full force trying to convince Montanans that they want to reduce your taxes. This is far from the truth as their actions in the legislative session speak much louder than their words now. When they had the opportunity to support giving Montana resident taxpayers $900 million back in income and property taxes (up to nearly $4,000 per family), only two Democrat legislators in the entire Legislature voted for the rebates. The rest of the Democrats wanted to keep your money and spend it to grow government when we still...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 9, 2023

    This is a long and complicated subject to law makers and residents of Montana, so I am offering a synopsis on this very important subject to Montanans. In the last few weeks we have heard of the water shortage of Flathead lake which is located in Northwest Montana. This large natural body of water is a remnant of the massive Glacial damned lake. It has a depth upwards to 371 feet deep. It is famous for trout and bass fishing along with all water sports. It even is host to the elusive Flathead lake monster. Sightings of these water creatures...

  • Smoking-Gun Docs Prove Facebook Became Biden Megaphone

    Harold Pease PhD|Aug 9, 2023

    “Never before released internal documents subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee prove that Facebook and Instagram censored posts and changed their content moderation policy because of unconstitutional pressure from the Biden White House.” In short, the Biden Administration censored Americans through Facebook. So what is the problem? Isn’t Facebook a private corporation? Yes, but the Facebook Files establish that government pressure was directly responsible for censorship by Facebook. When government applies pressure to censor and socia...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 2, 2023

    Delivering Income and Property Tax Relief for Montanans Governor Greg Gianforte As I meet with Montanans in every corner of our state, I hear the same concern often –taxes are too high. And they’re right. Taxes are too high and need to be reined in. Two years ago, we enacted a fiscally responsible budget, and as a result, the State of Montana today has a historic budget surplus. Ultimately, that means you overpaid your taxes, and we’re giving it back to you. When we released our Budget for Montana Families last November, we again held the l...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 2, 2023

    This movie is based on the life and work of Tim Ballard, a former government agent who left his job in 2013 to work to end human sex trafficking of illegal aliens who travel to the United States with hopes of finding a new life, one filled with conormts and dreams of advancement in personal ambitions. Tim Ballard is the founder of the organization, O.U.R whichs stands for Operation Underground Railroad. The mission of the members is to stop Child sex trafficking both here in the United States and in many foreign countries. Many of these illegal...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 2, 2023

    This is a tale of the Big Bull Candy Mountains in Slimeshell County Montana. In those mountains lies a small town called "Guano-up". In the County building are three stooges, who carry out their daily duties of buffoonery; with expertise. They are swooned by large moonshine manufacturers who want to build pipes to convey their elixir to residences in a newly formed "Middle Slimeshell County Booze District"-keeping them in a hazy stupor of stupidity and naivety as the costs and use of the elixir threatens to swallow them up. Large pipe...

  • Publishers Two-Bits

    Aug 2, 2023

    Tyranny Comes From The Hearts Of Men We've all heard the old saying, 'Whiskey is for drinking, and water is for fighting.' This old tried and true saying is no more true than in Montana. A local example is the controversy within and now outside the Roundup Mesa Landowners Association (RMLA); as a landowner within the RMLA, I'd hoped that the 'fighting' would stay within this troubled association. But, the conflict has spilled over into this newspaper by a couple of recent letters to the editor. Accusations have been poured on the county...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Jul 26, 2023

    Movie Broke Sound Barrier on Pedophilia so WHO is Selling God’s Children? The effects of the movie “Sound of Freedom” are that child trafficking is now one of the hottest stories in America—it no longer can be hidden. The vast number who viewed it was large enough to break the sound barrier. As evidence the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Hollywood Reporter declined to cover it but still box office sales reached 18.2 million surpassing “Indiana Jones” (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3113b, July 11, 2023, 21:25). Hiding such evil i...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 26, 2023

    Well once again the Progressives in the Democrat party are allowing a whole generation of Americans to be irresponsible by not paying their student loan debt that they signed a contract to do. Student loan forgiveness was first suggested by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Two openly are loyal socialist. Elizabeth Warren has worked in the private sector as a profressor. Her specialty being in bankruptcy law and commercial laws. Bernie Sanders has never held a job in the private sector. The forgiveness of student loans has been an...

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