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  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 26, 2023

    It would be interesting to see if this item even gets published. Travelling around the United States, I am no longer surprised about what I hear, as corruption is increasingly infiltrating into small town America.It's like an ooze, that once it arrives it is rarely mitigated. There is a feud happening in a subdivision north of town, known as the Roundup Mesa. It is over water. It can be compared to the Hatfields and McCoys. And just like in that legendary story, there are elements of corrupt government and public officials. In this case it is t...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 19, 2023

    Roundup Montana is a great town in many ways to live in. But it lacks retail shops. I drive down our main street and all I see are food joints.The aroma of food cooking follows you down the street. Seems people think that all we do and want to do, is eat,eat and eat here in town. We have lovely eateries and I frequent these regularly. But it sure would be nice to have some retail shops to buy a baby shower gift, or a pair of new decent shoes or boots that do not have an exorbitant price tag on them. A Dollar store would serve us well as a...

  • God's Children are not for Sale, "The Sound of Freedom"

    Harold Pease PhD|Jul 19, 2023

    In the movie “The Sound of Freedom” the subject mater, pedophilia, is handled as tactfully as it is possible to do so. I heard no profanity and saw no graphic sexual imagery, nothing that would, or should, normally keep me from viewing it. Yet I was as deeply touched and angered as I’ve ever been. I personengaged in protecting our children from the dark side. Unfortunately, the theater was largely empty. God needs more recruits. That is the problem. How much longer can he hold back his judgement on us when we enslave his children in sex slavery...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Jul 12, 2023

    Can the Military Intervene When the Government is Overthrown? Yes!! Recent columns have documented that November 3, 2020 was a successful coup to overthrow the government of the United States. Some knew this when it happened but for most it was just too hard to accept initially but are moving to this conclusion more slowly—all will be there eventually. It happened. Elon Musk told us what we must do to escape decades of programing, “The only way to escape the matrix is to unlearn everything that you have been taught and rebuild your entire belie...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 12, 2023

    Hope Close to Home is Becoming a Reality! I have had the pleasure of serving on the Central Montana Medical Center Cancer Center Committee since its inception in 2022, with the goal to build a cancer center treatment in Lewistown. What this means is, Central Montana patients who are battling cancer would now have the opportunity to receive diagnosis and treatment in Lewistown rather than have to travel to Billings, Great Falls or even further for comprehensive cancer care. Annually, patients and families in our area travel 165,000 miles for...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 12, 2023

    A new law compliments of the Montana Department of fish, wildlife and parks went into effect July 1,2023.Our Montana legislators and governor went along with this bill. It has been signed by Governor Gianforte.Our state is getting so many outsiders who trash and abuse our recreational areas that it is costing maga tax dollars for clean-ups after these careless visitors leave our state.Our state is changing and the majority of Montanas do not like the change. I disagree with this new law. I think it unfair to punish we Mntanans for what others...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 12, 2023

    Enough is Enough! How short is our memory? In the 1970’s we wouldn’t be able to produce enough food to feed the ever-growing population. The we had a few years of warmer than average temperatures and the junk scientists told us that the world was warming, and we were going through a period of desertification and that earth would become uninhabitable by humans unless we quit buring fossil fuels. Then they got it right when they said the climate was changing, which it has done since the beginning of time. Climate change is well-documented sin...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Jul 5, 2023

    The “Little Miracle” of The Declaration of Independence. The Second Continental Congress, having been convened for six months, had been engaged in the wrestle for or against independence, the vast majority of delegates being decidedly against such drastic action most of this time. Surely there should be a way of reconciling their differences with Great Britain instead. This was so even after the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker (Breeds) Hill and the British occupation of Boston. We were at war. King George III had already rejected the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 5, 2023

    As Americans we have seen early signs of a growing fascist movement within our nation. Destruction of religion, gun confiscation, Identification of enemies as a unifying cause, Disdain for individual rights, Control over energy, Controlled mass media, Control over communication, School indoctrination, Attacks on free speech, Warrantless spying, Doomsday fear mongering and Banana Republic elections. The threads of all these fascist signs lead directly to the Democrat progressive left wing party. I will quote our feckless and moronic President...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 7, 2023

    I've had a mental tick nibbling at my thought processes for some time. It started back in 2017 when Donald Trump, as president, issued an executive order barring people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria from entering the country. It was an attempt to use foreign affairs policy to keep terrorists out of the country. Derrick Watson, a low level district judge in Hawaii, ruled against the action, and for a while a Hawaiian judge was in charge of the foreign policy of the United States rather than the President. I remember th...


    Jun 7, 2023

    With all the checks and balances ingrained in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it is incomprehensible how one election is totally destroying the foundation of our very successful republic. Wayne Hage, in his book 'Storm over Rangelands', extensively documented how the eastern industrialists coveted the natural resources of the western states and since the 1880's had been using the federal government to keep these resources out of the hands of the western settlers (i.e. forest reserves, retained mineral rights, etc.). In recent year...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 7, 2023

    I will answer this question with some proof and facts that yes, the CIA is in many ways brainwashing Americans. To put it simply, mind control. Between the years 1953 and 1973 the CIA launched an illegal human experimentation program called MK-Ultra. Its purpose was to use human guinea pigs as subjects under the influence of the hallucinogenic drug known as LSD. I's purpose was to modify behavior and also to find ways of mastering mind control. The CIA had plans to use these techniques against enemies. Names of some who were candidates willing...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 31, 2023

    Well my fellow Americans, it has finally happened after a four year investigation by John Durham on the Trump Russian probe. Just like former President Trump has told us over the last few years, there was NO justification for the Russian probe. There was no collusion between him and Putin. John Durham has proved that indeed a coup against Donald J. Trump in 2016 was planned and was put into motion by Hillary Clinton and the FBI. Hillary Clinton planned to link Trump to Putin. This corrupt woman with no conscience at all wanted to win the 2016...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 24, 2023

    Don’t close your eyes when you read this tonight. The big boss would not even look at me as they walked down the hallway as they game me my eviction notice. It was not in writing and she’s the manager. The doors are always unlocked though that one housekeeper can steal anything she wants. You can steal there but don’t go to a hotel to have a drink. Pamela White Roundup/Billings...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 24, 2023

    The majority of Americans are aware of the Biden open borders policies that are devastating to our country. As a matter of fact, I no longer recognize the country I was born in. Presently, the United States is sandwiched between two enemies, Mexico and Canada. Both of our neighbors have helped in the illegal alien crossings into the United States. Mexico because the terrorist group known as the Mexican Cartel now operates and runs the nation and uses illegals as profit for their terrorist operation all along the southern border. Citizens of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 17, 2023

    Yes, Patriots, WE ARE WINNING. There is Hope Sometimes politics can be accompanied by so much hate, lies and evil that it seems impossible to get back to justice and accountability. Yes, the dark clouds in front of us are awesome and overwhelming and there seems to be little hope freedom can survive. Perhaps it is time to look backwards rather than forward to see that we are winning. I have been writing and lecturing on the Deep State for almost fifty years watching them destroy America and its Constitution, as did Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, Ezra...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 17, 2023

    The United States once was a fairly normal and quiet nation. Yes we have known many interior conflicts due to political differences. But our even temperament began changing after Barack Obama was elected our forty fourth President. Barack Obama has always been a mystery to many Americans. Was he born in Hawaii in 1961? For years Donald Trump as many others in government have questioned Obama's birth certificate that former President Trump has said is a series of manufactured facts. The education of Barack Obama seems to be shadowed in doubt....

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 17, 2023

    Recently, there have been attacks on the 68th Montana Legislature by the liberal media. Claims that the Legislature started a "culture war" or that we "marginalized the most marginalized" really lack an understanding of the times in which we live. First and foremost, our Legislature is the branch of government closest to the people. Citizen Legislators elected by the people of Montana take their values and campaign promises to Helena every two years, voting as representatives of the people. Attacks by the elitist media to belittle the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 26, 2023

    What does the Chinese communist party have in common with the LDS church? You are correct,absolutely nothing. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints was established in 1830 by founder Joseph Smith. We all know the story of how Brigham Young led his Mormon followers by covered wagon trains through emigrant pass to the Great Salt Lake. Here they settled. Utah state has the largest population of the Mormon people within the United States. Also known as the Mormons,this church and its followers have a strong belief in the divinity of...

  • "Unresponsive School Board"

    Apr 26, 2023

    Guest Columnist Gary Van Dyke Below is a letter I submitted to the Roundup Public School Board for inclusion at their April 17th meeting. I was unable to attend the meeting, and expected the letter to be addressed and read during the Boards assembly, as had been established with prior communications by my and others. I later learned the Board Chair refused to read the letter, or address its tectonic content, with his reasoning of the individuals noted in the letter "weren't there to defend themselves", to what, is unknown. I pose this question...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 19, 2023

    This is not just about the injustice shown to former President Trump, it is also about the rule of law and the future of our country. For seven long years the socialist Democrat party has stalked Donald J.Trump.They impeached him twice for nothing, then the Mueller Russian Hoax investigation. Why? Because he got in the way of Obama and Hillary Clinton and their left wing agenda. Now today we hear that former President Trump was indicted by a low life scumbag local prosecutor in Manhattan, named Alvin Bragg. George Soros who hates this country...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 19, 2023

    It was recently brought to my attention that your newspaper, The Roundup Record-Tribune, recently published an incredibly biased series entitled "Rock of Reliance" regarding the Signal Peak mine near roundup. While the series was incredibly biased, and I am not aware that the reporter made any effort whatsoever to contact us for this story, I am specifically contacting you due to false and potentially inflammatory information that was conveyed as fact in this series by your reporter, Lura Pitman. The publication of this false information is...

  • The Most Censored Parts of Trump's Indictment Story

    Apr 19, 2023

    We have already shown that the established media is heavily censored so to really know something one must do his own research. This is even more so the past three years. Truth is always sacrificed as tyranny accelerates. Tyranny has increased exponentially under Joe Biden. Some trusted sites like Twitter, Truth Social and some televised programs like Maria Bartiromo, Glenn Beck, and Tucker Carlson are in the trusted category. Some investigative journalists are still in that category as well and there are a few others. Below are some of the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 5, 2023

    As we mentioned in past articles, the James Webb Telescope took NASA 30 years to design and build at a cost of ten billion dollars. It's mission is to send images back to earth for Astronomical studies. James Webb Telescope is a space telescope currently conducting infrared astronomy. As the largest optical telescope with high resolution and high sensitivity instruments allowing it to view objects too old, distant, or faint for the Hubble space telescope. The James Webb Telescope was launched December 25, 2021 at 5:20am from the ESA's space...

  • Twitter Files Confess: The Great COVID-19 Lie Machine

    Apr 5, 2023

    Some may not realize the miracle to liberty of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. Until then a far left, perhaps marxist, site where those who wished to destroy America shared their contempt and plans to do just that believing these would never come to light. Such is the Stanford University Virality Project. Thanks to Twitter File confessions and Matt Taibbi who assembled these in 27 threads, we can cover this story. All quotes are from his threads. In our society one can believe anything he wishes and recruit whomever to believe the s...

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