Letters to the Editor

I will answer this question with some proof and facts that yes, the CIA is in many ways brainwashing Americans. To put it simply, mind control. Between the years 1953 and 1973 the CIA launched an illegal human experimentation program called MK-Ultra. Its purpose was to use human guinea pigs as subjects under the influence of the hallucinogenic drug known as LSD. I's purpose was to modify behavior and also to find ways of mastering mind control. The CIA had plans to use these techniques against enemies. Names of some who were candidates willing or unwillingly for these experiments are numerous. Some you may be familiar with such as: Ted Kacynsky the Unabomber, James John Bulger also known as "Whitey" a notorious ganster in NW Massachusettes in the area called Winter Hill, Charles Manson who in 1969 broke into private homes, killed all who were inside. With help from his "Manson family" they ruthlessly murdered 7 people on an August night. One of these was the lovely actress, Sharon Tate who was pregnant at the time. Sirhan Sirhan who assassinaied Robert Kennedy Senior, and a strip club owner in Dallas Texas, Jack Ruby who killed Lee Harvey Oswald who at the time was thought to be the John F. Kennedy assassin. Lee Harvey Oswald has ties to the CIA and he was used in drug experiments for the MK Ultra program. These brutal experiments were under the direction of Dr. Louis West who worked for the CIA and designed the program. In 2017 WikiLeaks wrote detailed articles warning Americans that brainwashing was a fact in our daily lives. WikiLeaks has detailed how the CIA uses popular TV's, Smart Phones, to spy against their owner. The United States government has powerful hacking tools. One of these is the "Weeping Angel". This device is installed inside your TV for home surveillance. If the TV has been infested with a Weeping Angel, even after turning the TV off it can pick up sounds, conversations which it records. Private text message users, even when they resort to cryptial apps to communicate these messages are sent back to the CIA via the Weeping Angel. When a young Ted Kacyznsky was an undergraduate at Harvard University, he was used by Henry Alexander Murray, a psychologist who engaged in a series of brutal psychological and abusive mind control experiments on students.Ted Kacyznsky who at the age of 12 had a remarkable IQ of 167 and he had shown a dislike for any form of authority during his youth.Though he had a brilliant promising academic career as a gifted mathematician, he gave this up to pursue a primitive lifestyle. In 1969 he moved into a one room cabin in Lincoln Montana. There he began making bombs, against companies that he thought were a threat to the human race. Companies that promoted high technology that the Unabomber believed destroyed our environment. The Unabomber sent these in mail so that when a person opened the large envelope it would explode killing, maiming and doing great damage to the interior of the office building. The Unabomber was caught in 1996, he then went on trial and was found guilty by his peers. He has spent decades in a federal prison in Colorado, for crimes against humanity. Two years ago, Ted Kacyznsky was moved to the FMC medical federal prison located at Butner North Carolina. For what reason authorities will not tell the general public. I want to close this editorial with a simple four word quote of the Unabomber. Though only four words, it has a profound meaning.I believe in nothing. This shows what is called nihilism which is the belief that all values are baseless, extreme pessimism, radical skepticism that condemns existence .No loyalties have no purpose but to promote destruction. The Unabombers quote sounds much like our government. Doesn't it?

Nancy Kemler



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