
Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 871

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 24, 2024

    What does freedom mean to you as an individual? To me it means it represents an absence of restrictions to exercise one's rights or powers and also I think of our country the United States of America that was founded on freedom. Question: have we Americans lost our respect for freedom? Seems that many of us no longer fight for it in our daily lives. Former Congresswoman of Hawaii recently visited our state of Montana to help former Navy Seal Tim Sheehy campaign. She mentioned how our freedoms were eroding in our culture.Tulsi Gabbard a retired...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 24, 2024

    I grew up considering our national security bureaus and agencies to be beyond reproach; e.g. the legendary FBI, with J. Edgar Hoover in the vanguard of busting organized criminals and Commies pledged to overthrow our government, (Don’t snort at the latter before reading Herbert Philbrick’s book, I Led Three Lives. You can discover EXACTLY when the focus of American Commies became revolution.), the CIA, and the Secret Service. The first fissure in my faith came when Hilary Clinton’s fingerprint was found on an FBI file her president husba...

  • Was Trump's Assassination Attempt an Organized Deep State Operation?

    Harold Pease PhD|Jul 24, 2024

    Trump’s attempted assassination story fills the air waves, what we do know about it is that it should not have happened. The parameter of the rally was not locked down, their were no drones scanning possible sniper sites or activity from the air, and the sniper had a clear shot from 130 yards away to fire eight rounds. The building, assessed as “priority vulnerability,” the most likely place for a sniper, should have had Secret Service personnel on the roof many hours before and during the event, and no ladder should have been acces...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 10, 2024

    What Montanans lose with each APR land acquisition By Chuck Denowh American Prairie Reserve has been crowing about their recent ranch purchases in Phillips County. What they won't tell you is those acquisitions come at a cost to you and every other Montanan. It's important to reflect on what we're losing when APR removes land from agricultural production. Most regretfully we're losing the next generation of family ranchers whose job it is to grow food. The dangerous decline in American agricultural production over the last few decades is...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 10, 2024

    Normal isn't coming back.So get off your knees and resist.Because I assure you, what the Democrat Progressives are planning is far worse for Americans than anything they have already done to destroy our Constitution, culture and moral code as a nation of freedom loving people. Tim Sheehy just won the primary election for U.S. Senate as a Republican party member. Mr.Sheehy is a ex-Navt Seal who graduated from the Naval academy in 2008. He became an esteemed Navy Seal. On September 12, 2012 he was wounded during combat in Afghanistan. This is whe...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 3, 2024

    While the new signs placed around town are decorative, several are not street legal. I witnessed 2 near collisions caused by a sign and took it upon myself to move the nearby road construction sign slightly at the 2nd ave intersection, near the hospital, so drivers have a small window to peer thru for traffic barreling down airport hill at this intersection. I snapped a photo if you'd like that, or go see for yourself. The severe blind spot hazard this new sign placement has created has been ignored for too long. The decorative sign needs to...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 3, 2024

    It was a journey that I always wanted to take.To run for an elected office.I did not win the primary race but I won in many other ways.I was educated in how our state government operates,I was introduced to many other patriots who were running for elected office positions.As a candidate I was invited to debates and dinners that I enjoyed.I want to thank all those who voted for me and supported me in many different ways.Your encouragement was the fuel that I used to move ahead in the campaign. Just a reminder that there is always the "next...

  • Legislature Files to Protect Pro-Housing Bills in Montana Supreme Court

    Jul 3, 2024

    HELENA, Mont.— The State Legislature filed an amicus, or "friend of the court," brief in the Montana Supreme Court on Monday seeking to overturn an erroneous district court decision temporarily blocking two of the Legislature's bipartisan pro-housing bills. The brief argues that Judge Michael Salvagni in Gallatin County violated the constitutional separation of powers that leaves policymaking to the legislative branch of government when he issued a preliminary injunction against Senate Bills 323 and 528. SB 323 was sponsored by Sen. Jeremy T...

  • Sheriffs Support Cory Swanson for Chief Justice

    Jul 3, 2024

    By Sheriffs Nick Rauser, Jesse Slaughter, Brian Heino, Jeremiah Petersen, Dan Springer, Dave Wendt, and Steve Holton. Law enforcement officers dedicate their lives to protecting public safety, maintaining order, and upholding justice. Our jobs are intrinsically tied to Montana's judiciary. When law enforcement and prosecutors can trust that the courts will handle criminal cases fairly, it gives us and the public confidence that we can keep our communities safe and achieve justice. In pursuit of that goal, we are proud to endorse Cory Swanson...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 26, 2024

    Judicial Activism or Judicial Restraint? Justice vanishes when we put politicaladvocates on the supreme court By Roger Koopman Some may consider it mere coincidence that over the past forty years, the Montana Supreme Court has struck down almost every conservative ballot measure (referenda and initiatives) that has come before it, while upholding every liberal one – including seven examples of such conduct in the past ten years alone. Likewise, maybe it’s only coincidence that during this same period, our high court has openly disrespected the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 26, 2024

    We saw and heard this week how the Democrat Marxist party turned us into a different country. Marxist always destroy systems. By bringing a former President to trial on absurd charges of falsifying financial entries that were out of date as evidence against Donald Trump, they have successfully destroyed our Justice Legal system. President Donald J.Trump was found guilty on 34 counts making him a felon subject to 134 years in prison. Ask yourself this. Why haven't the feeble weak Republicans pressed charges against James [ Jim ] Biden for crimes...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 26, 2024

    The Final Goal is to Eradicate Humanity as We Know It By Harold Pease, Ph.D. We live in a crazy world where right is wrong and wrong right, or better yet, there is no right or wrong nor evil. Where human sexual predators feed on children. Where men prefer men and women prefer women and girly men and manly women thrive. Right now the Biden Administration is on board with creating a holiday for male menstrators. Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on us. There appears such a push, easily recognizable, for the unnatural, the forbidden, even the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 19, 2024

    Biden with the guidance from Barack Obama has allowed millions of illegal aliens into our nation for one purpose, to change this country fundamentally. One way is by using the electoral college vote. You see as soon as an illegal alien walks across the Tex/Mex border and is flown or bussed to a blue state or city that changes the electoral college markup. In other words illegal invaders do vote they do not have to go inside a ballot box and mark for their candidate of choice. In this election will give the Democrat Marxist party the edge in the...

  • Montana Energy Isn't Ready for Forced Electric Vehicles

    Jun 19, 2024

    By Senator Barry Usher Last month, the Biden Administration published their finalized tailpipe emissions rule, an electric vehicle (EV) mandate which will upend the daily lives of Montanans. The EPA's new emissions rule calls for EVs to account for 56% of all cars by 2032, with two-thirds of all cars being electric or hybrid. However, with the state of Montana's electric vehicle usage and electric grid, this mandate spells disaster for our state's energy economy, electric grid, public safety, and way of life. As a business owner in Billings, I...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 12, 2024

    It is no surprise that the Democrat Party was so easily hijacked by the Left Progressives. I am after all, both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delaware Roosevelt set the stage for this with their push for socialism in America. Today the former Democrat Party has a agenda of total destruction of our country. They want to erase our Constitution,our electorate vote, continue to foolishly defund police.Allow open borders that let in all people unvetted into our nation that have no ties to it and disrespect our laws and moral compass values.Barack...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 12, 2024

    You cannot imagine how giddy I was when I opened the Ma 29, 2024 issue of the Roundup Record Tribune & Winnett Times newspaper and saw Nancy Kemler’s name at the end of letter to the editor before I even read what she wrote. In fact, as I typed this, I still haven’t read what she wrote. It doesn’t matter because she is always spot on! I’ve been a fan of her letters to the editor for years. Keep up the great work, Nancy. Mike Stebleton Scobey...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 12, 2024

    Public Land Give-Away Senator Daines has introduced legislation to trade Federal coal and surface land to the Hope Family Trust. Though the bill is titled "The Crow Revenue Act" it was not introduced to benefit the Crow Nation. It benefits the owners of the Signal Peak Energy coal mine that is damaging range land, drying up springs and evicting ranchers who have worked this range for generations. This mine has benefitted from a multitude of "tax incentives" amounting to millions of dollars lost to both Musselshell and Yellowstone counties. Now...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 12, 2024

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 12, 2024

    “I write to encourage a call to action. We must immediately address the illegal immigration happening in Montana. I, as well as many Montanans have seen the numbers – fentanyl confiscation in Montana up by 20,000%, sex trafficking up by 116%, illegal immigration at our northern border up 597% with over 10,000 illegal immigrants crossing per month. These inexpiable numbers indicate two things: The failure of the Biden Administration to protect America from the influx of crime caused by the illegal immigration crisis on our border, and the nee...

  • Rep. Rosendale Calls Out Biden's Border Executive Order Sham

    Jun 12, 2024

    Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) released the following statement after President Biden introduced a new executive order which will permit a minimum of 1.8 million illegal immigrants to enter the country every year and will do nothing to fix the border crisis he created. “It is no surprise that after Biden’s election interference attempt last week backfired in the form of over $50 million in donations to his opponent, he is now scrambling,” said Rep. Rosendale. “This do-nothing executive order is pure showmanship that will do nothing to depo...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 5, 2024

    As you read this editorial thousands of illegals from different parts of the world are entering our country via the Biden open border.These invaders are really becoming problematic in many ways. They are destroying our southern border environment, polluting rivers and streams, leaving their trash behind their tracks illegally crossing the border, bring in dangerous drugs that are killing Americans, demanding: freebies" that has taken we U.S. citizens generations ro build up for our own comforts, are taking over Baseball parks and soccer fields...

  • FBI's Deadly Force Policy on President Trump Smells Really Bad

    Harold Pease PhD|Jun 5, 2024

    Newly released court documents forced out of the Department of Justice largely by America First Legal reveal unacceptable details about the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Aug. 8, 2022. Many conservatives believe it was a failed attempt by Deep State leaders Joe Biden and Merrick Garland to endanger Donald J. Trump, his family and the U.S.Secret Service (USSS) in a potential line of fire should the raid go awry. According to the filing, “The DOJ and FBI agents planned to bring standard issue weapons, MO, handcuffs and medium and large...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|May 22, 2024

    How Could Universities become so Quickly Radicalized? Because universities first became indoctrination centers ripe for radicalized. We predicted such 5 years ago in a column entitled, “All went to the University … where they came out all the same,” August 23, 2019, by LibertyUnderFire. When diversified thinking is removed this can result and did when triggered by heavy funding and Antifa agitators provided by George Soros. That column follows: Student unrest in many universities demonstrate what is becoming obvious; institutions of highe...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 8, 2024

    Those who are pro-life OR pro-choice need to understand the truth about CI-128, which seeks to embed abortion into MT as a Constitutional right. Planned Parenthood operatives have been unleashed upon our state to gather enough signatures by June 21st to put an anti-baby, anti-woman agenda on our ballot this fall. The activist MT Supreme Court helped draft the vague, open-ended language, and signature gatherers will not be required to be transparent to the public as to what this liberal court system can interpret through it. This change would...

  • George Soros Funds Most of the Palestinian Provocateurs

    Harold Pease PhD|May 8, 2024

    There is probably no one more protected by the Deep State media than George Soros and when he is revealed as a provocateur of chaos, sometimes tyranny, as in 2020 Antifa and Black Lives Matter demonstrations, his minions, including paid “fact checkers” swarm to his defense. Such is the case with the heavily censored New York Post’s column “George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests,” by Isabel Vincent, April 26, 2024. It was very difficult getting a transcript. Why the censorshi...

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