
Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 916

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    Teddy Roosevelt on immigration and being an American "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    Minnesota governor Tim Walz is a progressive Liberal extremist who is obsessed with the Californian dream that is every American's nightmare. Like Presidential progressive candidate Kamala Harris he will never tell us the truth about anything or important events. Should this extremist far left twosome get inside the White House it will also end the Democrat party. The Democrats will never regain their normalcy. Either will the United States of America. From now until November 5 take a good look at the state of California. Is this what you want...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    Turn off the politicians and listen to yourself By Roger Koopman I wonder if it ever dawns on all those well-paid, city-bred consultants who come in to run most of Montana’s major campaigns, that nobody is listening anymore? Oh, sure. There are the political junkies, left and right, who thrive on the junk food of campaign advertising, doused with the vinegar of vitriol. But for most folks, the noise of the election season has reached a decibel level that so numbs the ears, that the messages are no longer getting through. We just want to be l...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    On June 1st of this year, I came back to the Montana Petroleum Association (MPA) as the interim Executive Director. BLM and their new bonding rules have serious implications and consequences for Montana’s oil and gas businesses. On June 6th the Montana Wildlife Federation published a statewide opinion piece praising the BLM for new bonding rules. On June 13th BLM director Stone-Manning was grilled by the US Senate Energy Committee. Montana Senator Steve Daines asked her if she had spoken to Montana oil producers. She had not but agreed to a m...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    It’s ironic that the very groups who vilify rich, out-of-staters are the same ones backing rich out-of-state big city organizations who are trying to get us to amend our constitution. What’s it to them? Montanans worked hard to frame our constitution and won’t change it for irrelevant nonsense. We don’t need single party ballots. We wouldn’t be “divided” if we weren’t being enflamed by these hateful campaign ads and “sensational” newscasts shoving hateful things in our faces. And that sounds like they’re working toward single party governme...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 16, 2024

    Proponents of CI-128 frame the initiative as the only way to protect abortion rights. But let’s be clear: Montanans already have strong protections for abortion under our state constitution. Since the Armstrong v. State case in 1999, Montana’s Supreme Court held that the state Constitution protects a woman’s right to an abortion before fetal viability, based on the privacy clause. And despite recent legislative efforts to impose restrictions—such as banning abortions after 20 weeks—Montana courts have consistently struck down all these law...

  • Gianforte Statement on Montana Supreme Court Ruling Allowing Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

    Oct 16, 2024

    HELENA, Mont. – Governor Greg Gianforte issued the following statement in response to rulings from the Montana Supreme Court that included the halting of state laws banning taxpayer-funded abortions. "For nearly 50 years through the Hyde Amendment, Congress has banned the use of federal taxpayer dollars for elective abortions, a position supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans. I signed these bills into law to enact the same commonsense protections for Montana taxpayers, preventing taxpayer dollars from paying for elective abortion....

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 9, 2024

    The James Webb telescope that NASA launched December 25, 2021 from French Guiana where the European spaceport is located is still doing it’s job of transmitting images from one million miles from Earth at the Lagrange point also known as L2. Still no aliens have been photographed. Just are space aliens? Like you I am bored with the three foot tall silver alien midgets with silver skin and almond shaped black eyes description. I got to thinking that possibly aliens if they wanted to could come to Earth via a computer or a thought. I did some r...

  • CI-126 is a radical experiment, and Montana voters are the guinea pigs

    Oct 9, 2024

    This November, Montana voters are being asked to fundamentally change the structure of our elections through the ballot initiative CI-126. This initiative was brought to Montana by an out-of-state group funded by leftist billionaires and it amounts to a radical social "experiment" being run in what they consider a "cheap" state. We urge Montanans to vote No on CI-126 and reject this radical new plan for how we run our elections. What it does CI-126 would amend the Montana Constitution to provide that the top four finishers in the primary electi...

  • My pledge to deliver a fair and impartial Montana Supreme Court

    Oct 9, 2024

    The words etched in granite on the front of the United States Supreme Court are "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW." Every person in this great Country has equal rights in our system of justice, no matter how rich or how poor, no matter his or her religion or race. That guarantee of equality and justice applies not only to the federal judicial system, but also to the state judicial system. The difference between our federal and state court system is that in Montana voters get to decide what kind of Montana Supreme Court we have. I'm running for Chief...

  • Jerry Lynch's political bias makes him a bad choice for Montana's Chief Justice

    Oct 9, 2024

    Montanans are fortunate to be able to elect the judges who serve in our Montana courts—from the county level all the way up to our Montana Supreme Court. We get to choose based on who is most qualified and has the best temperament to serve on the bench. The tradeoff for that choice is that we expect the candidates running for judicial office to keep out of the political fray to maintain their objectivity. It's in this context—of political impartiality—that I have been so disappointed in one Supreme Court Candidate, Jerry Lynch, for refusing to...

  • Retired Judge Mohr endorses Judge Dan Wilson for Supreme Court

    Oct 9, 2024

    I was elected seven times and served more than 30 years as a Justice of the Peace in Richland County before my retirement in 2016. During my long career on the bench, I worked with both of the district court judges who are now running for a seat on the Montana Supreme Court. They are Judge Katherine Bidegaray of Sidney and Judge Dan Wilson of Kalispell. I got to know Judge Bidegaray very well in the nearly 15 years we spent working in the same judicial district. I also got to know Judge Dan Wilson very well over the six years that he served as...

  • Support Judge Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court

    Oct 9, 2024

    As a retired Missoula Municipal Court Judge, I write to ask for your support of District Court Judge Dan Wilson, candidate for the Montana Supreme Court. I have known Judge Wilson for many years, and he embodies the qualities we need on the Supreme Court. His background demonstrates a solid foundation to serve the state in that role. He has served as a prosecutor, and defense attorney, a civil attorney, a Justice of the Peace and, for the last eight years, a District Court Judge. He has provided training and mentoring to lower court judges. He...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 2, 2024

    It is a common refrain that voters know little to nothing about judicial candidates. It is for this reason that I am sharing my experiences with Judge Dan Wilson, candidate for the Montana Supreme Court. As someone who has previously appeared as an attorney before Judge Wilson, served as a substitute Justice of the Peace in his court (prior to him being elected as District Court Judge), served with him in Rotary, and now works with him as a District Court Judge in the Eleventh Judicial District, I feel uniquely qualified to offer my...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 2, 2024

    The Democrat party cannot, seen to enter any election with integrity and respect for an honest election voted by the people for the people's choice. We just witnessed a coup by the progressive radical Democrats with throwing VP Kamala Harris as their candidate. Once again they are breaking political protocal. No one can be chosen as a Presidential candidate without being nominated at the national conventions. In this situation the DNC convention to be held starting August 19 and running until August 22. As I write this the Leftwing media has us...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 2, 2024

    With a very divided country, and threats of assassination, poverty and lawlessness within our borders, there has never been a more important election. I would beg people to set aside feelings and truly consider the most important things in your life. I think we can all agree that our family and loved ones are the most valuable thing to us all, no matter what race, religion, or political leaning. We want to have our needs met for ourselves and those we love. This includes the basics, housing, food, health, and security. In light of that,...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 25, 2024

    Bipartisan letter from Montana business leaders calling for an end to inaccurate and misleading attacks on Montana Businesses Small businesses are at the heart of all American communities—nowhere more than here in Montana. From agriculture to technology, our business leaders understand far better than professional investors and opinion writers that starting and managing businesses are risky efforts, with the goals of getting to profitability and staffing the needs of the business constantly buffeted by headwinds such as market uncertainty, lack...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 25, 2024

    For the last 3 1/2 years Kamala Harris Bisen's VP has covered up Joe Biden's mental ability decline. She has refused to use the 25th.amendment to usher him out of the oval office for the sake of our country. After seeing how Joe Biden did in the first dest Trump/Biden debate Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi rushed to force Joe Biden out of the White House. They did this after almost 20 million Democrat Americans voted for him in the primary. Their vote meant nothing to the power hungry Washington D.C. Democrat elites. But ballot stealing and...

  • CI-128's message: my body has rights, their life does not.

    Sep 25, 2024

    By Roger Koopman The Tester-Sheehy face-off isn’t the only Montana contest in the national spotlight, attracting millions of out-of-state dollars. This year’s ballot features CI-128, the most radical, far-reaching “abortion rights” proposal anywhere in the nation. This precedent-setting monstrosity has become the top priority of the abortion industry and the abortion-infatuated Democrat Party. When last I checked, Big Money cash donations to the CI-128 campaign outpaced opponent giving nearly 700 to 1, and it’s estimated proponents will have sp...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 18, 2024

    Is this an amendment for “reproductive rights”? We don’t need one. You want to reproduce a baby? Do it. You don’t want to reproduce a baby? Don’t do it. You have a choice. That’s not what CI-128 is about. Parents. How would you feel about a constitutional amendment that gives your minor children the right to get body piercings or body art or even body work without your permission or even your knowledge? What a violation of parental rights. What if you found a clause in that amendment that made it almost impossible to repeal that amendment?...

  • Health Care Professionals Condemn Tester Ad

    Sep 18, 2024

    As health care providers, hospital leaders, nurses, and support staff who serve or have served rural Montana communities, we condemn the recent television ads and full-page advertisements by Jon Tester's campaign and the absolute lies being told to our fellow neighbors. The ads, some of which use the names and photos of local hospitals, falsely accuse Tim Sheehy of threatening rural hospitals, misleading the patients we serve. Some of us have gotten to know Tim through his and his wife’s philanthropy supporting Montana health care, or have h...

  • My Mission: Better Health Care for Montanans

    Sep 18, 2024

    Tim Sheehy, former Navy SEAL and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate It's clear that Jon Tester is a desperate man doing desperate things, including spreading outright lies, fearmongering, and misleading Montanans—particularly on health care. Here's the hard truth: our health care system is broken. On Jon Tester's watch, costs are going up, and access is going down. Because of Obamacare, Montanans face higher premiums year after year. We've lost access to doctors and health care plans we were told we could keep. More government control has o...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 18, 2024

    Where is Joe Biden? He went to Las Vegas for a rally. Joe Biden stopped by a Mexican restaurant for dinner and to meet people. All of a sudden he is rushed to a nearby hospital emergency room. Then we see Joe Biden trying to board the Airforce One plane, His body is not working right. His legs cannot seem to climb up the stairs to the plane. He is flown back to Washington D.C. from Las Vegas. Joe Biden tries to walk off the plane but his legs do not respond. Mini steps are brought out for him to climb down to a waiting Presidential car. Secret...

  • Conservative / Moderate Democrats Join MAGA, RINO's Join Democrats

    Harold Pease PhD|Sep 18, 2024

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said it best.”There’s been an inversion now where the Republican Party has become the party of the common man, of working people, of the middle class, and the Democratic Party has become the party of Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tech, [and] the Big Banking System” (X22 Report-hereafter not cited-, Ep. 3446b, Sept. 9, 2024, 53:00). Add the intelligence community and these are the Deep State. He might have added that the RINO’s (Republican in name only) who often vote with the Democra...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 11, 2024

    Bull Mountains Mine is a Good Neighbor. I have been a landowner in the Bull Mountains and ranched for over 40 years. My land is adjacent to the Bull Mountains Mine operated by Signal Peak Energy (SPE). We ranch on deeded and leased land comprising over 13,000+ acres. I want to respond to the misinformation that my ranching neighbors have spread about the impacts the Mine has had on the surface and water resources in the area. We have watched SPE operate from the first day it started mining. I have checked the surface many times and found...

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