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  • Letters to the Editor

    May 1, 2024

    Senator Jon Tester a 17 year veteran of our U.S. Senate who holds a seat in our state of Montana. He is running for another six year term in the Senate. The Republican party is two seats short of taking control over the Senate and the Democrat Progressives want to stop this political change by funding Jon Tester using dark money. They want to make it impossible for Navy Seal Republican Tim Sheehey to win in the November election that would unseat Jon Tester. Years ago Jon Tester was actually a decent guy who was a patriot and upheld the olde...

  • Ten Things Trump Will Do to Destroy The Deep State

    Harold Pease PhD|May 1, 2024

    The Deep State has existed in U.S. history for at least 135 years. Internationally it expressed its influence most strongly in the William McKinley era when we acquired most of Spains’ colonies ending the Spanish-American War. Then it dominated the Republican Party, but over the next century held great influence in both major political parties. In the 21st Century and today, it controls the Democrat Party and RINO faction of the Republican Party. It is real. Its names have varied over the many years from internationalists, to invisible or s...

  • Third Party Candidates Are America's Fortune-Tellers

    Thomas L Knapp|May 1, 2024

    "I'm going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain," presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, "so that any American -- every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day." That's a great idea, regardless of whether or not Kennedy is a good candidate or has any chance of getting elected and implementing it. A publicly accessible blockchain -- that is, a distributed ledger protected from alteration by cryptography and viewable by everyone -- would let Americans see exactly how tax...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Apr 24, 2024

    Decision Based on Facts It shouldn’t have shocked me, but for some reason it did. A couple of weeks ago, I received a letter from the Montana Family Foundation concerning a proposed Montana ballot initiative. This initiative will make abortion a Montana Constitutional right. I started to write this column then, but I was so emotional that I couldn't focus enough to write, so I decided to wait until now. The Montana Supreme Court set the stage by ruling that ballot issue #14, which now has become "Constitutional Initiative 128," would make a...

  • Montana Conservative Alliance GOP contested primaries, candidate ratings & endorsements

    Apr 24, 2024

    Montana Conservative Alliance would certainly not suggest that we are the “only” source for conservative voters to use when determining which Republicans are worthy of their support – and which are not. As mentioned earlier, it is our goal to be consistently accurate and reliable, by exposing each candidate to a rigorous test of their true principles and true understanding of the freedom philosophy. That’s why we ask tough, constitutionally-based, free market-based questions that, quite frankly, some Republicans don’t want to answer (or don’t...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 17, 2024

    Senate President's Statement on Montana Supreme Court Ruling HAMILTON, Mont.— Montana Senate Jason Ellsworth, R-Hamilton, released the following statement in response to the Montana Supreme Court's ruling in the Forward Montana SB 319 (2021) case: "I'm glad to see the Supreme Court realize that they messed up by intruding into the Legislature's internal rules and are withdrawing their original decision. We in the Legislature eagerly await the Court's new opinion to ensure that it does not also unconstitutionally violate the separation of p...

  • The Democrat Open Border's Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule

    Harold Pease PhD|Apr 17, 2024

    With the 320,000 illegals aliens flown by the Biden government into the country by-passing the border wall and laws of the land intentionally, it is obvious the Democrat Party is now not only encouraging but participating in, the invasion of its own country. It is also transforming the Democrat Party into the permanent single-party rule. So shows a once devout Democrat voter, Elon Musk, in a new 2:00 minute video “The Democrat Open Border’s Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule Explained in Two Minuets,” that all Americans should watch befor...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 3, 2024

    Most of my editorial letters end with a reference to Jesus. This time I'm starting with one. When Jesus was in front of the Sanhedrin, a worldly way of looking at the situation would be that the people who were the judges of right and wrong were going to judge this single itinerant rabbi. But in order to keep their power and exterminate this fellow who kept healing the commoners, they had to break some of their own rules to do it! Some of the broken rules: Capital punishment trials were not supposed to be held at night or before the sabbath...

  • Where Did All the Fiscal Conservatives Go?

    Apr 3, 2024

    In 2022, the people of Montana elected Republican supermajorities to both chambers of the Montana Legislature. Even though the people of Montana elected large majorities of Republicans, the Republicans elected to the Legislature did not always act like conservatives. Instead, many Republicans participated in a spending spree, trying to spend as much money as possible. With so many Republicans in the 2023 Legislature, the real question is where did all the fiscal conservatives go? When I served in the Legislature, the Republican Party fought...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Mar 27, 2024

    Easter Heart of The Gospel As a pastor, Easter holds a deeply personal significance for me. I can't recall a single Easter morning when I wasn't in Church, celebrating the Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. But it's not just about being in Church; it's about understanding the profound importance of Jesus' death, burial, and Resurrection. In I Corinthians 15:3,4, it's written, 'For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried, and that He...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 27, 2024

    Our country and our safety is in peril due greatly to the Democrat Socialist Joe Biden and his failed policies for both domestic and foreign affairs. High inflation that is strangling Americans who work and pay taxes for the absurd Biden government spending sprees which means less good food on the dinner table and less recreational pursuits by hard working blue collar Americans. In this Biden era it now costs an additional $40,000 just to buy a house in the United States. Many young couples are finding it impossible to buy their first home.We...

  • Biden's Special Council Hur says Biden Guilty of Espionage

    Harold Pease PhD|Mar 27, 2024

    Special Council Robert Hur says Biden is guilty of espionage respecting his numerous collections of classified—some top secret—documents found in at least seven different locations as a U.S Senator, Vice President, and as a private citizen. Only a president of the United States, while serving as such, has authority to have these in his possession and he is protected by the Presidential Records Act. No one in US history is more guilty of having classified documents, a serious crime normally punishable by many years in prison for each off...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Mar 20, 2024

    This is the fifth and final part from I John 5:13-21, which tells us that there are certain things that the true believer can be sure of because God has said so. This by no means covers all the “certainties” of God, but it does as presented by the Apostle John in this passage of scripture. This presents the certainty that Jesus is God, as seen in I John 5:20. This is somewhat hard for many people to grasp. Personally, I believe that is because it involves the theological doctrine of the Trinity. We have tried many ways to understand this doc...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 13, 2024

    This letter is regarding the project that is bringing fresh, clean and safe water to this area. What a blessing when that happens! Several years ago, we (my wife and I) purchased property just north of Roundup and we were excited because now we have 20 acres of God’s country and in the evening, when all is quiet, the beauty is breathtaking. We had always wanted to retire near a small town in MT. Being from northwestern North Dakota and marrying a gal who graduated from a Montana high school, I don’t really consider myself an alien to Mon...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 6, 2024

    Montanans deserve a fair & impartial judiciary By Cory Swanson It's time to let you in on a little secret about America's judicial system: we're doing it wrong. We read every day in the news about a conflict in Montana or somewhere around the country where contentious political issues are being settled in the courtroom. It's become such a regular occurrence that a cottage industry has developed to interpret the legal rulings and their implications for all of us. The newness and novelty of judicial activism has long ago worn off and now it's...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 6, 2024

    The Montana Family Foundation expresses deep disappointment and concern following Judge Krueger's recent ruling to enjoin three critical bills to defend unborn babies: HB 136, HB 171, and HB 140 from the 2021 session. This ruling, issued by Judge Krueger from Butte, undermines the sanctity of life and disregards the values held dear by the people of Montana. HB 136 aimed to protect pain-capable babies by banning abortions after 20 weeks gestation, HB 171 sought to prevent the distribution of abortion drugs via mail, and HB 140 aimed to ensure...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 6, 2024

    In a January 2024 Democrat memo that NBC news exposed, revealed the Democrat Socialist Party strategy for winning the November election for Biden. They plan on using the tired issue of election denial against former President Trump. And we all have seen how they have corrupted our Judicial system to use as a weapon against the GOP. Their Leftist politics go right around our rule of law, The Constitution. The Democrat Socialist Party gets help from the Neocon Globalists. One major player in the destruction of the United States is George Soros....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Mar 6, 2024

    Certainty Part IV Believers Belong To God I remember a time not long ago when I felt safer in the world I live in than I do now. Many people have long believed this is one of the best places in the world. We can have some room to move around in, not be totally overrun by other people, experience freedom, and feel very safe. We are close to a city that offers a place to shop, get medical care, and find various things to do. I never used to think twice about being safe going to Billings. That's changed; I do think about that in several ways, one...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 28, 2024

    Consumers bear the cost when government regulates more By Rep. Greg Oblander The Credit Card Competition Act has emerged as a controversial bill that Congress is expected to take up early this year. Under the guise of increasing competition in the credit card market, this legislation presents some serious threats to small businesses and credit card users. As is so often the case in Washington DC, a harmless-sounding title to a bill can be used to cover for hazardous details. Competition is a good thing, at least when it emerges spontaneously...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 28, 2024

    Two tiers of justice at the Montana Supreme Court By: Senator Greg Hertz "Equal justice under law" is such a foundational principle in our constitutional republic that the phrase is carved in stone above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, here in Montana, it appears that justice is not applied equally. In fact, at the Montana Supreme Court, there are two tiers of justice. There, justice is applied differently depending on the politics of the people in the courtroom. Two court cases, one...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Feb 21, 2024

    Certainties Part III Power Over Sin Suppose you have followed along in this column. In that case, you might remember that in all the uncertainties of life, God has provided us essential certainties. The first one was eternal life (I John 5:13) to those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, to save them from their sin. The second was the certainty of answered prayer (I John 5:15). “If we ask anything according to His will, we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, and we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him.” This is all...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 21, 2024

    Why do Democrats Want You to Hate Putin? Two years ago Tucker Carlson asked, “Why do Democrats want you to hate Putin? Has Putin shipped every middle class job in your town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked your business? Is he teaching your kids to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl?” (Tucker Carlson Tonight, Feb. 22, 2024). More recently he could have added, “Has he flown a spy balloon over the center of your nation, over several military basses, violating your airspace? Has he sent over 30,00...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 21, 2024

    Montana courts are out of control It seems like every day I open the newspaper and read a new decision issued by a Montana court. I'm not a lawyer, but it's becoming apparent to me that our courts are increasingly out of control. There have been many questionable decisions issued by our courts in recent years. One decision, however—Forward Montana v. State of Montana—is so bad that even two of the seven Montana Supreme Court justices noted that the Court had veered from the constitution. There are three separate branches in our system of gov...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Feb 7, 2024

    Answered Prayer Certainties Part II If you read this column a couple weeks ago, we talked about a certainty that exists in an uncertain world. That was eternal life. We can have eternal life, and that life comes through Jesus Christ. I John 5:12 “Whoever has the Son has life.” God says it, so it is true. This passage actually lists 4 more things that we can be confident about. Each of these starts with the phrase, "we may know." We can be confident if we know and are convinced of its truth. So the next one says 1 John 5:15, "we know that we...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Harold Pease PhD|Feb 7, 2024

    Deep State War on Texas and the Constitution, States with Texas Joe Biden is expected to bring in at least 15 million unlawful aliens before his term ends. The Biden illegal alien avalanche invasion, starting as a million a month, has accelerated doubling that, to “about 2 million people—from every country on earth—are entering through the US Southern border every year.” It’s killing the economy! In one day more than 8,000 migrants were apprehended at US border (“Biden’s Hope to make Caucasians a Permanent Minority in the United States,” Libe...

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