Letters to the Editor

In a January 2024 Democrat memo that NBC news exposed, revealed the Democrat Socialist Party strategy for winning the November election for Biden. They plan on using the tired issue of election denial against former President Trump. And we all have seen how they have corrupted our Judicial system to use as a weapon against the GOP. Their Leftist politics go right around our rule of law, The Constitution. The Democrat Socialist Party gets help from the Neocon Globalists. One major player in the destruction of the United States is George Soros. A Hungarian born Jew who hates humanity. To help the DNC steal another election by fraudulent methods Neocon Globalist George Soros has been buying up radio stations and newspapers that are on the brink of bankruptcy. He purchases these floundering media businesses for cheap. Soros has been buying them for fifty-cents on the dollar. Last July 2023 he bought out the Masthead Maine newspapers. This financial maneuver added twenty-two more newspapers to his collection to spread political propaganda and misinformation on the Republican front runner, Donald Trump. This dreadful communist tyrant has bought radios stations in cities like Detroil and Buffalo New York. He buys them in Blue cities that bend toward a Leftist socialist agenda. His radio station aquasistions total 220 at present. The 2020 Presidential election was stolen. The steal was carefully planned by Democrat Socialist and Neocon Globalists like Soros.They used a virus to shut down our country, forced us to stay home, stand six feet apart and shop at retail stores wearing masks at stores that had a ridiculous plexiglass divider between customer and cashier. To prevent spreading the Chinese Wuhan virus. This fear mongering gave the government an opportunity to over reach its power. Mail-in ballots were used to cheat in the Blues states to help Biden get 85 million votes that no one turned in. Mules were hired to stuff ballot boxes with illegal ballots for a win against President Trump.We have seen how a mail-in President works in the last 3 1/2 years. And our country is on the eve of its destruction caused by the policies of a infirm moron in the Whitehouse. Americans must put a Republican back in the oval office if we are to survive as a nation and live by our founding principles erected in our Constitution by our brilliant freedom loving founding fathers. Do all you can to stay free Americans. Vote Republican in November and help fire the infirm fool that has occupied the Whitehouse since January 2020 after a election steal by those who hate freedom, self-reliance and our culture.

Nancy Kemler



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