Letters to the Editor

Our country and our safety is in peril due greatly to the Democrat Socialist Joe Biden and his failed policies for both domestic and foreign affairs. High inflation that is strangling Americans who work and pay taxes for the absurd Biden government spending sprees which means less good food on the dinner table and less recreational pursuits by hard working blue collar Americans. In this Biden era it now costs an additional $40,000 just to buy a house in the United States. Many young couples are finding it impossible to buy their first home.We have been hearing about a dangerous "Black Swan" coming into our lives. Let me refresh your memory. A Black Swan Event refers to an unforeseeable event that can have a positive or negative effect in a specific sector of industry. Many on Wall Street think that a Bitcoin collapse will cause a terrible financial crash causing a depression much like Americans witnessed in 1929. Yesterday in Moscow Russia at a concert Hall where hundreds of Russian people had gathered for a concert masked gunmen dressed in camouflage gegan shooting killing the concert goers at random.Then they encircled the concert hall setting it ablaze when hundreds of live Russians were still inside. Media videos have not been released for public view yet as they are too graphic to show the carnage of the mass murder spree by foreign nationals against the Russian people. I had thought at first that Ukrainians were taking their revenge against Russians for the invasion of their country.Today news talk says that the middle east terror group ISIS is taking the credit for the brutality in Moscow. What I fear the most by fellow Americans is that what we have just witnessed in Russia has begun a WW III. Putin will not back down from this terror attack on his nation and will go after the middle east in revenge.The Obama and Biden administrations have enabled the middle east to promote their vilent campaign against the infidels.Lifting sanctions against Iran and giving the Iranian government Billions of dollars loaded on wood pallets has made Iran a sponsor of world terrorism super powers now. Reports that Ukraine has lost their war with Russia are making the headlines now. Biden has helped to put us another $75 billion dollars in debt. This is the amount that we know about that he has given Volodymyr Zelenskyy who has wasted our tax dollars as he is no commander to lead his country to victory. Ecceleastes 5 God tells us not to make a promise if we know that we cannot keep that promise. Biden took an oath to defend us and our country from harm.He has broken his promise and oath to we Americans. He has also dictated rule of law going around our Constitution. If my gut instincts ring true the black swan event I see coming is a terrible and very destructive world war.One that will push American citizens into poverty for a long time. The millions of illegal aliens that Biden has allowed into ort country will add to our woes. Many have entered our nation to harm and kill us. We do have a federal Code that can be used against Biden. But the infirm incompetent madman is being propped up already and could topple over from a sudden death at any time. I read a recent poll that 38% of Americans will vote for Biden a second time.Who can these people be? Mark Twain said it best long ago:....."No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."

Nancy Kemler



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