Pastor's Corner

Easter Heart of The Gospel

As a pastor, Easter holds a deeply personal significance for me. I can't recall a single Easter morning when I wasn't in Church, celebrating the Resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. But it's not just about being in Church; it's about understanding the profound importance of Jesus' death, burial, and Resurrection. In I Corinthians 15:3,4, it's written, 'For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.' This chapter is the most comprehensive account of the Resurrection in the Bible. I encourage you to reflect on it, as it forms the heart of the gospel, the very foundation of the 'Good News' of Jesus Christ

First and foremost, Easter reminds us that 'Jesus died for our sins.' This implies that we are all sinners, regardless of our background or beliefs. In my current sermon series on the book of Romans, Paul dedicates a significant portion from the middle of chapter one to the middle of chapter three to illustrate this universal truth. He concludes in Romans 3:23, 'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.' Sin, by its very nature, separates us from God, who is entirely without sin. We cannot have a relationship with Him or enter into His eternal presence with sin in our lives. This is why Jesus, God in the flesh, died on the cross for our sins. He was without sin, and as a substitute, He paid the necessary price to satisfy the demand for justice concerning our sin. Romans 6:23 states,' For the wages of sin is death.' Jesus paid the price for our sins; we can appropriate it by believing or trusting that He did so. Our sin was bought and paid for by the sacrificial death of Jesus so that our sins can be forgiven.

Second, “that He was buried.” If you watch TV or movies, in cop dramas where someone is being held for ransom, the kidnapper calls and makes a demand for money. One of the first things the kidnapper asks is “proof of life.” This means the one who will pay the ransom wants to talk to them or see a video, something that will prove that they are alive. The burial of Jesus is in reverse of that, proof of death. There is other evidence, but the grave tells us that Jesus really did die and paid what was owed against my sin.

Thirdly, according to the scriptures, He was raised on the third day. Think about it: anyone can die, and anyone who has died can be buried. But who can come back to life again? Only God, who has power over life and death, can do that. And it's not just life and death that God has power over; it's sin, too. Jesus died for my sin, but in coming back to life, He conquered it. Now, I can have eternal life with God through absolute trust and faith in what Jesus did. It's a powerful message that forms the heart of true biblical Christianity. Without it, we are still lost in sin, eternally separated from God. But with it, there is hope! I hope you can embrace this message as you celebrate Easter this year. God, in His love for you, wants to forgive your sin and have a relationship with you for all eternity. Jesus Christ is the answer to eternal life with God.

This is at the heart of true biblical Christianity. Without it, we are still lost in sin, eternally separated from God. There is no hope! I hope that you can embrace this as you celebrate Easter this year. God in His love for you wants to forgive your sin and have a relationship with you for all eternity. Jesus Christ is the answer to eternal life with God.

Pastor Lynn Rettig

Musselshell Community Bible Church


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