Letters to the Editor

The James Webb telescope that NASA launched December 25, 2021 from French Guiana where the European spaceport is located is still doing it’s job of transmitting images from one million miles from Earth at the Lagrange point also known as L2. Still no aliens have been photographed. Just are space aliens? Like you I am bored with the three foot tall silver alien midgets with silver skin and almond shaped black eyes description. I got to thinking that possibly aliens if they wanted to could come to Earth via a computer or a thought. I did some research and found some writings by the Royal UK astronomer Lord Martin Rees. Lord Martin Rees seems to think that aliens are artificial intelligence. He also suggest that our species may be at the end of our Darwinian evolution. That within one or two centuries our species will be overtaken by machines. He explains that it took four billion years before intelligent life emerged on Earth and that Earth still has billions of years in our planet; lifetime.So if machines destroy mankind our species would have been just a brief interlude in Earth's history. When L.Frank Baum wrote his classic American fairy tale The wizard of oz in 1900 he he was ahead of his time looking into the future was not too far off when he wrote about a tin man. We are just entering the fourth industrial revolution a new age where machines programmed robots are a fact and our future. Maybe the prediction of astronomer Lord Martin Rees will come true or maybe he was wrong in his suggestion of our species future...Even the ancient people had a theory of the universe. You can find this in the Book of Job Job 26.7. They thought that the universe was a tent and Earth the floor of this tent.The sky itself was the whole tent. Mankind has always had some kind of mystical connecrion to the universe. It is part of our world and existence.

Nancy Kemler



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