Letters to the Editor

The United States once was a fairly normal and quiet nation. Yes we have known many interior conflicts due to political differences. But our even temperament began changing after Barack Obama was elected our forty fourth President. Barack Obama has always been a mystery to many Americans. Was he born in Hawaii in 1961? For years Donald Trump as many others in government have questioned Obama's birth certificate that former President Trump has said is a series of manufactured facts. The education of Barack Obama seems to be shadowed in doubt. Did he actually attend Columbia University in New York city? Many sceptics think Obama received his education in the dark dirty political alleys of Chicago and also from prominent militant leaders such as Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers is a retired Professor and activist. He founded and led the infamous 1960's militant group, the weather Underground. They formed the SDS group to promote social change in the United States. They used extremely violent tactics much like that of Antifa today. Barack Obama was a student of Bill Ayers in his living room. Bill Ayers was indeed a mentor to Obama in his early years as a MIA Senator in Illinois. Our divide as a large American family began to disintegrate under Obama's Presidential terms. We saw the Soros funded BLM emerge in our society. Joe Biden our so-called 46th. President has been on vacation 40% of his term. In other words,he has been MIA 300 days. So who really is running our country? Obama's influence can still be felt in Washington D.C. Why how can this be? Because of our Civil Service laws have made it nearly impossible to remove government bureaucrats from their jobs. Obama took advantage of these laws and placed thousands of Civil Service workers within our government who today carry on his Marxist Socialist agenda. This process is known as "burrowing." President Trump had a very difficult time in office trying to begin a new era of government because of the Obama appointees that set-up roadblocks during his Presidency. One of the first things that Obama did was to go on an apology tour around the world. He humiliated Americans by telling the world that we were not an exceptional people and we were racist that led to wars across the globe. He even went to France, the country that the United States had saved twice during wars. As a matter of fact, 9,000 American remains are buried in French soil. Those of which served in our military. We see a trend trying to force us into a one party system. A system of total BIG government control.This was endorsed by the Obama years. I believe in a two party system. But the Democrat now turned into a Progressive Leftist movement doesn't see things this way.Will the United States return to the Jacksonian Democracy that Andrew Jackson founded during his Presidency which ran from 1829 to 1837? Will the once mighty and strong Republican rise from being split by Rinos and those that truly are Republicans? One of the best and most honest men in American politics today is Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. Here is what he had to say. "We must be able to ensure that the federal hiring process is fair and open to everyone, not just the politically influential." I remain an optimist and truly hold onto the ideology that has made this country great. I will never give up on the United States of America and We the People that call her home.

Nancy Kemler



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