Letters to the Editor

The majority of Americans are aware of the Biden open borders policies that are devastating to our country. As a matter of fact, I no longer recognize the country I was born in. Presently, the United States is sandwiched between two enemies, Mexico and Canada. Both of our neighbors have helped in the illegal alien crossings into the United States. Mexico because the terrorist group known as the Mexican Cartel now operates and runs the nation and uses illegals as profit for their terrorist operation all along the southern border. Citizens of other nations trying to reach the United States are being brutalized and forced into acts for the pleasure and monetary gains of the Cartel. Human trafficking is big business world wide. Mexico gets all their information, news from China. The communist Chinese and Mexican Cartel do business together in order to defeat the United States and to profit from the misery of Americans by dangerous habit forming drugs being transported into our country by both of these enemy countries. Canada refuses to stop illegals that are flown into Toronto or Montreal by the Mexican Cartel from jumping over the northern border. Small towns like Derby Vermont and Moores New York see 100's of illegals heading for New York city. The state of New York is of course a declared sanctuary state for illegals. With Title 42 gone foreign nationals all over the globe are being told to invade the United States. The Non Government Organizations like the United Nations, Catholic church and Luthern church are helping to overwhelm our country with illegal immigration that is devastating our country and our sovereignty. This illegal population lives in the shadows and take advantage and abuse our charity and goodwill. They also break and enter stealing what Americans have earned the hard way by working for it. Since Biden's open border policy began we have seen about 5 million more illegal aliens enter our country.Now in less than a week of the Title 42 bill terminating, an estimated 83,000 have come to the Tex/Mex border. People in south and central America are now on their way to forcefully enter our country. The Biden administration and the corrupt head of our DHS, Mayorkas do nothing to secure our country and we Americans. And they both took an oath to protect the citizens of the nation they serve. The new GOP House offers some relief in the form of a new bill,Secure the Border act that Biden threatens to veto. If Americans do not stop the flow of illegal immigration our country will be obliviated. We all will live in a wasteland of third world poverty, filth, disease and rampant homelessness.Our nations flag will fly in tatters.....NOTE: For the best news/videos on illegals go to Real America's Voice hosted by Ben Bergquam. He goes into south/central America and follows the trekkers right to the Tex/Mex border. You will see the truth this way.

Nancy Kemler



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