Letters to the Editor

The Hawaiian islands are an archipelago of eight volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. Maui also called by Hawaiians, "The Valley Isle", and is the 7th.in the line of these islands, was woken up at 12:22 a.m. August 8 by the stench of fire burning and heat from the intense flames. The fires first broke out near a village called Kula where 12,000 residents made their home. The first responders and the frantic residents were not prepared for such a sudden life threatening emergency. In a 2018 WEF Globalists meeting in Davos Switzerland it was suggested that the Maui Island paradise be used as a guinea pig in the greening of the world. Soon, globalist investors began buying up land to build Windmill power stations, and land that they wanted to control for their own greedy purposes. Globalists Bill Gates own an estate on Maui and was constantly preaching against the use of gas powered vehicles on the island, while he himself traveled in a private jet back and forth to the island paradise. As a matter of fact some of the worlds most wealthiest people own property on Maui. If what I hear becomes true through evidence, then these globalists have committed murder.Many political cartoonists have portrayed Joe Biden as the the ancient Roman Emperor Nero who played his fiddle on July 18,64 C.E. on a hill while watching the Roman Coliseum burn. The buffoon Joe Biden sat on a beach with wife Jill drinking a cool summer drink under the shade of an umbrella while Maui burned. I am horrified as to what has happened



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(Pub. Sept. 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2023)

to the Hawaiian Americans and ashamed of the apathetic cavelier displayed attitude the Biden family gave these people. As we speak 96 dead bodies have been recovered and many more will follow. It will take billions to restore Maui. And by the way,our moronic President has issued a help fund to the tune of $700.00 per person on Maui island while he gives the people of Ukraine $2500.00 apiece. A thorough investigation into the New Green Deal on the island of Maui must be conducted. Maui is an example of a failed New Green agenda. Those guilty of starting these lethal fires must be arrested and placed on trial then judged by their peers in a court of law. Godspeed to the Maui residents.

Nancy Kemler



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