Letters to the Editor

“I was Arrested by my Political Opponent.” Trump

It is indisputable to anyone who does his own research that the Dems have a history of cheating in recent elections. In 2016 it was Clinton / Obama illegal use of FIZA warrants; in 2018 the 22 month $32 million Mueller Investigation harassed him endlessly; in 2020 two impeachments. Trump indictments are just the latest method of election interference for 2024. Will it work? NO!! Democrats cried wolf too many times. Not one of the frivolous charges made by them the last eight years proved prosecutable on Trump—from Stormy Daniels accusations of sexual impropriety in 2006 to the 34 year old rape accusation just made by E. Jean Carroll. No, not one!

This column is not to defend Trump blindly, but in eight years if he had committed an actual crime he would have been incarcerated years ago. No presidential candidate, indeed probably no person, has been scrutinized more than he. At the moment he is facing 41 federal accounts and three actual indictments ginned up the last four months (X22 Reports, hereafter not cited, Ep. 3126b, July 28, 2023, 39:52). If all were proved he could face a combined 561 years in prison and possibly the death penalty (Ep 3130b, Aug. 2, 2023, 25:23). All will fade away for lack of real evidence as did those the previous 8 years—both Deep Staters and Patriots realize this.

So why are they doing it? Because this is their principle election interference for 2024. Trump acknowledged that the Deep State has him in multiple lawsuits “which require massive amounts of my time and money to adjudicate. Resources that would have gone into ads and rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these radical left thugs in numerous courts throughout the country… This is not a level playing field. It is election interference…” He added in another TruthSocial post, “Biden and Garland file bogus cases against me so it becomes difficult for me to campaign. Nothing like this has ever happened before” (Ep. 3132b, Aug. 4, 2023, 55:39). Indeed, indictments against a political opponent has never been used in American history.

This is more than election interference—even prosecutorial malfeasance. A predictable pattern has emerged. Every time a new Biden crime is discovered, to blunt that story, the next day Trump is indicted or charged with something new by the DOJ. Consider the following: “June 7, Congress’s subpoenaed withheld FBI documents alleging that Biden took a $10 million bribe from Burisma. Next day, June 8: Jack Smith, of the DOJ, indicts Trump in Mar-A-Lago docs case. July 26,: Hunter Biden sweetheart deal pleas rejected as it revealed DOJ tried to give him blanket immunity from future prosecutions. Next day, July 27: Jack Smith adds more charges for Trump in the Mar-A-Lago case. July 31: Hunter business partner testifies to Congress of over 20 phone calls with his son’s business partners and that Burisma execs pressured them to fire the prosecutor. Next day August 1: Jack Smith indicts Trump” again on additional charges for Jan 6. (Ep 3130b, Aug. 2, 2023, 31:57). Meanwhile the DOJ ignores all evidence on the Biden crime family—no investigations, no arrests and no prosecutions.

This two-tiered justice is obviously intentional. It serves at least four purposes: punishes the MAGA people for looking into Biden crime, provides the Deep State media with other news so that they can ignore the flood of Biden corruption news and their followers remain ignorant, makes it very difficult and costly for Trump to stay in the race, and finally, they hope without evidence to stigmatized Trump as corrupt to dissuade voters from supporting him. The FBI and DOJ are active accomplices in covering up all of the bad news about bribes, payoffs, and extortion, coming from the Biden camp.

Is it working? No! Rasmussen Reports “72% of Republicans agree there is no way Joe Biden got 81 million votes, 54% strongly agree. Election fraud deniers are a rapidly shrinking minority.” (Ep. 3109b, July 5, 2023, 46:37). Are they concerned about cheating in 2024? Of course, election interference using indictments is cheating. But Patriots are not leaving Trump.

To the question, “Which candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination would you vote for? Republican voters gave Trump 57% followed by DeSantis at 13%. The vast majority of Republicans have already chosen Trump—even with the likely fake indictments which have only increased his support (Ep 3124b, July 26, 2023, 46:11). They have given him victim status. Trump said, “I just need one more indictment to insure my victory” (Ep. 3131b, August 3, 2023, 3:00). He got his fourth August 16, when Georgia too indicted him as he had predicted.

Why? Not only because of the stolen 2020 presidential election but even more than that, says the DailyCaller.com. “Trump did something that was never done before by taking on and defeating the establishments of both parties and the fake news media, two institutions that have destroyed our country. Trump returned the Republican Party back to the people and under new direction, America First.

Trump’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) is the greatest populist movement in U.S. history (Ep 3124b, July 26, 2023, 50:40). Trump became their voice and the Republican Party followed; Republicans not with him are called RINO’s (Republican in name only).

Moreover, the people are watching the Deep State attack the person they want in the White House. All Trump prosecutors are Democrat activists. This is election interference and / or prosecutorial misconduct by Democrats alone. Speaking of the recent Jan 6 indictment Trump asks “Why didn’t they bring this ridiculous case 2.5 years ago?” Then answers, “They wanted it right in the middle of my campaign, that’s why!!” (Ep 3130b, Aug. 2, 2023, 37:00). Trump’s response to the J6 indictment. It’s “impossible to get a fair trial in Washington D.C. which is over 95% anti-Trump”. That is why they want it there (Ep. 3131b, Aug. 3, 2023, 55:20). Yes, Democrats have a history of cheating in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 and Trump’s claim , “I was arrested by my political opponent,” is further evidence of election interference in 2024.

Dr. Harold W. Pease is an expert on the United States Consitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years.


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