Letters to the Editor

Most of us knew before the 2020 Presidential election that Joe Biden was senile and had Alzheimer's disease. We also heard Barack Obama when preparing to leave the White House that he could use his cell phone to run this country during a behind the curtain third term as President of the United States. If you look back in time right after Joe Biden and the Deep State stole the 2020 election from President Donald J. Trump, at a press conference Obama walked in and the press wanted to talk with him not Joe Biden.Joe Biden stood behind Obama bewildered as to why he was being ignored by the press and Barack Obama. After all,he was now the President of the United States. Or is he? This image speaks volumes. An article entitled The Obama factor written by David Samuels can be found on the internet. It explains in great detail just who Barack Hussain Obama really is. A book published, Rising Star the making of Barack Obama written by David J.Garrow, also gives a well detailed outline of Obama before and after his Presidency. These two literary works expose Obama as he was and still is, instead of the creation that Barack Obama himself has made of himself. Obama is exposed as a fudge packer, [homosexual] writer biographer David J.Garrow uses letters that Obama wrote to his "White" girlfriend while living in Chicago Illinois. In a letter he tells her how he fantasies of making love to another man. During an interview the biographer interviewed a man who once dated Obama. His white girlfriend did not break up with Obama because of his homosexuality, she broke up with him because of his connection to Louis Farraken who has and still does have an obsession with the Jewish, who he thinks wants to annihilate anyone of African blood. Because of Barack Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, we have several destructive movements in our country.These movements want to destroy and rebuild the United States. Obama was a Homosexual, his Mother Stanley Ann Durham was Bi-sexual.She went both ways. Obama was greatly influenced by his controversial mother who did not cover up her eccentricities from her son. During the Obama administration we started to hear arguments over public restrooms. He ordered these "Transgender." We saw a hatred and disrespect for law and order in our country and also greater divides between colored groups of people. It was the Obama administration that has seeded all the malignant tumors that are disrupting our daily lives and trying to take down our nation. We cannot allow this egocentric stubborn man who during his Presidency showed no leadership only celebrity status and expensive oceanside properties acquisitions to change our lifestyles or the country we were born in and love to please his narcissistic self.

Nancy Kemler



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