Articles written by Rick Griffith

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  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 15, 2023

    The Panthers traveled to Columbus on Tuesday evening to get their busy week started. The Panthers got off to a slow start as they missed their opening few shot attempts and Columbus jumped out to a 7-0 lead. The Panthers found their stride mid quarter as Jordan and Braedan splashed a couple of three balls. The second quarter saw the Panthers jump out early and take the lead for a short while and then the Cougars responded with a run of their own to lead 29-19 at the half. Kylen, Morgan, and Jace did a pretty good job of containing their big...

  • Roundup Panther Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 8, 2023

    The Panthers only had one game this week as they hosted the Malta Mustangs on Saturday evening. The Malta Mustangs present lots of problems for teams because of their quickness and shooting ability and Saturday they brought their problems to Roundup. Malta got out of the gate quickly scoring the first seven points. The Panthers stemmed the tide a bit with a couple of baskets in a row but then the Mustangs went on a 10-0 run that opened the gates. The Panthers effort was very solid all night but...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 1, 2023

    The schedule had the Panthers back at it on Tuesday against district foe Huntley Project. Having won three games in row the Panthers were feeling good about their play and excited for the challenge that the Red Devils present. Unfortunately, some aspects of the game you can control and some you can’t. Shooting is an aspect that comes and goes with players and teams. Tuesday the Panthers struggled all night long to hit jump shots. Huntley got off to a quick start making to baskets in a row but Jace had a steal and finish in the open court to g...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Jan 18, 2023

    The Panthers traveled to Joliet on Friday to challenge the J-Hawks in a 4-B contest. The J-Hawks always are a tough opponent because of how hard they work every night and they are usually very big. This year is no different as the Hawks host a couple of players at 6’5”. The Hawk size was a problem all night as they were able to continually crash the offensive glass until they scored especially in the first half. The Panthers didn’t bring their best effort and it wore them out as the night drug on. The defense didn’t shift, communicate, or cove...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Jan 11, 2023

    The Panthers were back at it on the road at Huntley Project on Monday evening. The Red Devils are pretty notorious for trying to jump on you early and then let you try to dig yourself out of the hole. The Panthers did get off to a slow start as we missed a couple of easy baskets against the Red Devil full court pressure. The Panthers slowly began to right the ship as four different Panthers scored in the quarter. Jordon, Dustin, Braedan , and Kylen all got on the board in the first quarter and the Panthers trailed 15-13. From that point...

  • Roundup Sports for the week of Dec. 10th

    Rick Griffith|Dec 21, 2022

    The 2022-2023 Panthers got their season rolling by playing in Lockwood last weekend. Friday, the Panthers played the Poplar Indians. Before the game started the Panthers didn’t have a lot of knowledge or information about the Poplar Indians but we know now that they have three very good guards that scored seventy-five of their teams ninety-nine points. The Panther defense did not get out and recognize shooters especially in the first half as the Indians made nine of the fifteen three point shots. True to form the Indians pressed the entire g...

  • Roundup Sports for the week of Dec. 17th

    Rick Griffith|Dec 21, 2022

    The Panthers aren’t known for hanging their heads and getting down. After last weekend the Panthers could have done just that but to their credit they came out ready to play Friday night against the Shepherd Mustangs. It was the first conference game of the year for both teams. Different than last week the Panthers got off to a good start. Both teams started in man to man and the Panthers took advantage in their motion. The movement created some good looks for the Panthers. I wish I could say we took advantage of all of the opportunities but we...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Feb 16, 2022

    Friday evening the Panthers traveled to Joliet for their last regular season 4B conference game of the year. Earlier in the year the Panthers lost to Joliet at home in a heart breaker as the Panthers led most of the game but struggled to make shots in the second half. Lately, the Panthers had struggled with players taking multiple turns getting sick. Joliet got off to a quick start but the Panthers had answers as Jordan and AJ knocked down a couple of Three's and Jace cleaned up some missed...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Feb 2, 2022

    Friday evening (1/28) the Panthers hosted Huntley in a 4B District contest. The Red Devils jumped out to an early and big lead as they shot 63% from the field. The Panthers didn’t do a very good job of getting back in transition and allowed Huntley to get to the rim quite often. Late in the quarter Braedan, AJ, and Kylen strung together some made buckets and cut into the deficit to make the score 30-15. The Panthers didn’t shoot the ball very well all game but their defense improved mightily as they held Huntley to 23 points for the rest of...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Jan 26, 2022

    Thursday the Panthers traveled to Shepherd to challenge the Mustangs in a 4 B district game. It was the first time that the Panthers had their full team in two weeks. Unfortunately, although they were all present many were still feeling the effects of their ailments and it showed out on the court. Every now and then teams have one of those games where nothing goes right and Thursday was that kind of night for the Panthers. Shepherd got off to a blazing start and the Panthers could never recover. Their best player, Colten Zubach, had 24 of his...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Jan 19, 2022

    Friday the Joliet Jayhawks came to town for a 4B district showdown for second place in the conference. Joliet provides lots of problems for teams in the district as they have great size in the post, very solid guard play, and always play with a great level of intensity. Still a bit short handed the Panthers gave a valiant effort on both ends of the floor. The Panthers were fired up and ready to play as was evident watching them on the defensive end. The Panthers had great focus, they were communicating well, and their shifts and rotations were...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Jan 12, 2022

    Tuesday evening, January 4th, the Panthers hosted the Red Lodge Rams in a district 4-B contest. The original game was postponed before Christmas break. Christmas break was tough on the Panthers as some of the players ended up with the flu bug and it had its lingering effects on Tuesday’s game. For those Panther fans who have come to the games they have watched a group of kids who work extremely hard for 32 minutes. Tuesday was no exception as the Panthers worked their tails off all night but I am afraid they have sore feet. For all of their e...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Dec 29, 2021

    Tuesday afternoon the Panthers traveled to Worden to challenge the Red Devils in another conference game. The Red Devils always present a tough challenge with their athletic ability and physical play. Tuesday was no different. The officials called the game rather loosely and there was plenty of rough play but the Panthers were up to the challenge. The Red Devils hit their first shot of the game a three pointer and took an early lead. The Panthers were solid with their defense and fairly patient on offense. AJ, Jordan, and Jace got some...

  • Roundup Panthers

    Rick Griffith|Dec 22, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers started their 2021-2022 season with a non-conference game against the Lockwood Lions JV team. The season started November 18 and the Panthers had sixteen practices spread out over four weeks. The Panthers were ready for a game. The Panther defense started a bit slow as the Lion offense was comprised of good ball handling and shooting guards. The Panthers didn't communicate real well on ball screens and switches and the Lions made them pay hitting their first three shots for...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Mar 3, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers started their District tournament challenging the Columbus Cougars. Columbus were the three seed in the tournament and the Panthers were the six seed. In the last couple of weeks, the Panthers have shown great improvement and they hoped it was a springboard to the district tournament. The Panther defensive effort was outstanding the entire game. Braedan got the Panthers rolling offensively in the first quarter as he scored all 7 of his points in the quarter. AJ and Jace...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 24, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers traveled to Shepherd Friday evening to challenge the Mustangs on their home court. The Panthers ran a full court man pressure at the Mustangs hoping to get them rattled and tired. The Mustangs didn’t get rattled but it did wear them down as they weren’t as efficient on the offensive end in the second half. Braeden got the Panthers started in the first quarter scoring all 9 of his points in the first quarter. Fellow sophomores Jace and Kylen chipped in and the Panthers led 14-13. The Mustangs exploded in the second quarter l...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 17, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers had senior night on Friday and hosted the Joliet Jayhawks in a 4B Conference game. Senior night is always a big night especially if one of your own is participating in the event. Friday, the Panthers and community said thank you to Elijah Fish, Michael McHenry, and Kaide Griffith for all of your efforts in the Panther program and our community. Then it was time for warmups and onto the game. Different than the last couple of games the Panthers came out rolling lead by Michael. He scored 7 or his game high 11 in the...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 10, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers traveled to Columbus on Friday to challenge the Cougars on their home court. From the get go the Panthers were engaged on both ends of the floor and it was total 360 from the first time they played the Cougars. Kaide got the Panthers rolling early scoring 8 of his game high 14 points in the first quarter and the Panthers trailed after the first quarter 13-12. Throughout the season the Panthers have struggled in the first or third quarter but Friday it was the second quarter...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 3, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers hosted the Huntley Project Red Devils Thursday evening in a 4B district game. The Panthers got off to a very solid start as Michael, Jace, and Kaide provided balanced scoring in the first quarter. The defense was very solid as Kylen did a nice job inside to keep the Red Devils at bay. The Panthers tried to keep the senior laden Red Devils off balance with some man and zone defense. The defense was effective and created some missed shots but the Panthers missed some blocking...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Jan 27, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers traveled to Winnett to take on the Rams in a non-conference affair Tuesday night. The game got off to a relatively slow start as both teams struggled to make shots. The Rams put a run together behind consecutive three point shots to jump out to an eight point margin. Braedan scored the next 8 points for the Panthers to narrow the gap but that was as close as the Panthers would get for the rest of the game. It was a frustrating night for the Panthers as the basket seemed to have a lid on it. The Panthers missed many...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Jan 20, 2021

    The Roundup Panthers traveled to Huntley on Tuesday to challenge the Red Devils. Huntley is as one of the top five teams in the Class B this year but overall the Panthers stood up to the challenge. Huntley has a distinct height advantage as they have two posts that are 6'5" and 6'7" who are very athletic and talented. The game plan was to back in a 2-3 zone and make it very difficult to enter to the posts but be able to cover their shooters. For the evening our plan was fairly effective as the P...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 26, 2020

    Thursday was the beginning of 4-B District Tournament action for the Panthers. Tournament time tends to bring out much anxiety as it is win or go home. The Panthers embrace the challenge as they put what they have learned from their 18 practice exams, the regular season, to good use. This year’s squad has spent most of the season recovering from injury which has given many players an opportunity to grow which was very evident on opening night. The game started with the usual nerves for both teams but didn’t last long. Joliet jumped out to an...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 19, 2020

    Last Thursday was senior night for the Roundup Panthers. It was our time to say thank you to the seniors for four years of hard work and to their parents for supporting them in every step of the way. It is always a difficult night as emotions are high and anxiety is amped up for their last performance in their home gym. A quick start in a game is always good to settle the nerves. Unfortunately, the Panthers did the exact opposite as they struggled to make baskets and ran into some early foul...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Feb 5, 2020

    The Panthers traveled to Worden on Thursday to challenge the #2 ranked Huntley Project Red Devils. The Panther effort on Thursday was nothing less than stellar. The Red Devils present a number of problems for the Panthers but their size has to be the number one factor and it proved to be that way Thursday. The Panthers battled all night inside and out. The Panthers had a game plan and it was nice to see the mental focus of the players. The Panthers had 8 different players score in the evening...

  • Roundup Boys Basketball

    Rick Griffith|Jan 29, 2020

    The Panthers hosted the Winnett Rams in a non-conference game on Tuesday. It was a hard fought and well-played game by both teams. Both teams struggled to make shots in the first quarter but the Panthers got the ball inside and Dylan, Colton, and Ryder got some key buckets around the rim to get the Panthers going. The second quarter was quite a contrast to the first quarter as both teams warmed up and started to make shots. The Panthers had four different players score in the quarter as MaKale,...

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