Winnett Senior News & Flatwillow News


Flatwillow Homemakers met at Luann Knutson’s home on November 9 for our Thanksgiving dinner and meeting. We met a day later than usual due to November 8th being election day. Luann prepared turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and everyone else provided a delicious pot luck of salads, vegetables, and desserts. In the absence of our President Sandy, Luann conducted the meeting. Melody led the Pledge of Allegiance. Luann read the thought for the day called “Thanksgiving, Right Around the Corner”, by Clinton Hassett. Our roll call was answered with our Least favorite Thanksgiving dish. For our meeting we discussed what we would like to do for our Christmas project this year. Bonnie won the blind pig, and everyone bid on the opportunity table. Secret Sister gifts were handed out and admired. Luann reminded us that bingo will be on Sunday at the courthouse at 1:30. Our next meeting will be December 13 at Linda Gershmel’s home. It will be our Christmas gift exchange and party. Also, for a fun roll call, Linda asked if we all could bring a picture of us as kids at Christmas. That will be so fun to see. It was a cold and snowy day. While enjoying our time at Luann’s we watched the big, beautiful flakes falling. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 but everyone stayed and visited until 5:00. It was warm inside and fun to just sit and visit. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and see you next month. Members present were Linda Gershmel, Karen Hale, Luann Knutson, Raye Anne Lund, Bonnie Moore, Ginger Moore, Lillian Moore, Kim Tarplee, and Melody Whitcher.

Our community has to say goodbye to another long time Petroleum County and Winnett resident. Joe Whisonant passed away this month. We send our prayers and sympathy to Jackie and the rest of the family and all Joe’s friends and neighbors.

The Winnett Christmas Stroll is Saturday December 3 from 6:00-8:00. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there, and I’ve heard the Grinch will make an appearance. They are wanting to have a Parade of Lights so any type of vehicle whether car, pickup, tractor, whatever you want, decorate it up with lights and enter the parade at the Christmas stroll. There will be vendors around town, the Winnett Library will be having a fun event, and you can get your picture taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Come out and enjoy the start of the Christmas season.

Thank you to all who came to the Winnett Craft Bazaar held on November 20. There was a number of vendors selling all kinds of baked goods, homemade crafts, Christmas decorations and lots of other items to help with your Christmas shopping. The Methodist church put on a wonderful lunch of several different kinds of soup, cookie, and drink. A fun way to start our Holiday shopping.

Bingo is every other Sunday at the Courthouse at 1:30. It is this week on November 27. Everyone is welcome to come join in and have fun. Bring a snack to share let’s play Bingo.

Basketball practice has begun for both the boys and girls teams. The season has begun. The first game will be on Friday, Dec 2 vs. TCT in Winnett. The following weekend will be the Broadview-Lavina tournament on December 9 and 10 in Lavina. Be sure to come and support our teams. November 29 will be the Grass Range/Winnett fall sports banquet in Grass Range.

Have a good week.



Sept 1 -There were twenty-seven members in house and eleven take-out orders for our meal today. We had turkey, company potatoes, beets, cottage cheese, and cheesecake rolls.

Patti gave an update on her brother Michael. He had heart surgery and is doing well. Raye Anne gave an update on Donna. Cassie is doing good after she had gall bladder surgery. Today she feels like she is back and is eating solid foods. Mark Robbins is home after his brain surgery to remove a tumor. Linda also gave an update on David and Ella Iverson.

Melody said the Winnett Lions created a directory for the county and the community with everyone’s names and addresses. You can pick one up from Jess in the courthouse for $10.00. Lillian had a visitor with her today, Judy Fischer. She is from Arkansas visiting.

The 50/50 for $12.50 was won by Dellie. Kim would like to have a short board meeting after the meal. After the dishes were done and clean-up finished, cards were played.

Sept 8 - No minutes today

Sept 15 - Mock lasagna, Caesar salad, French bread, and ice cream cones was enjoyed by twenty-five members and several take-out orders. Guests today were Karen Hale and her mother in law, Pat Hale. David Iverson is going into hospice this week. Terry Sandman’s funeral is tomorrow at the First Baptist Church in Winnett. Burial is in the Winnett Cemetery.

Murry Lou from Area II was here today and brought the senior newsletter. She also had information on scams and other issues that are important to the seniors. Georgia won the 50/50 for $10.50.

Sept 22 - Twenty-seven members and eight take-out orders enjoyed our birthday celebration meal of oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes and milk gravy, cranberries, lettuce salad, relishes, with ice cream and cake. Thank you to Carol Ann for the birthday cakes. September birthdays were Steve Moore, Melody Whitcher, Ralph, Corbett, Hannah Rowton, and Cassie Brinkerhoff. Happy Birthday to you all! Guests today were Debbie Hale and Pat Hale.

We have to say goodbye to David Iverson. He passed away this week. He was the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Winnett for 62 years. He also ranched in Petroleum and Musselshell Counties. His funeral will be announced later. He was a long time member of seniors also. We send our prayers and sympathy to Ella and the family as well as all his friends, neighbors, and people he has met through his ministry.

Jess Hoge, representing Petroleum County gave information on the Carroll Grant Fund. It is set up for the community of Winnett and the students of the Winnett School. First round of applications open Oct 1 and close January 1, 2023. The second round of applications will open April 1 and close July 1, 2023. 10% of the grant fund is for scholarships. Larry’s vision was for non-traditional students and students attending trade schools.

Raffle tickets can be bought from any Winnett Lion Club member. It is for the side by side that can be seen on the corner across from the post office. They are $25 for 1 ticket, $50 for 3 tickets, and you can purchase 7 tickets for $100. The drawing will be November 4 after 9pm at the Winnett Bar.

Ginger reported that scam callers are calling and using legitimate names. Be aware they are calling and do not give out ANY info over the phone.

Dellie won the 50/50 for $9.00. After dishes were done and chores were finished, cards were played.


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