Winnett Senior News | Flatwillow News


Flatwillow Homemakers met on April 9 at Babs’ home and enjoyed a taco bar for lunch. Desserts and salads complimented a delicious taco meal with all the fixings. Babs read the thought for the day titled “A Positive Thought for Today.” It was a message for today that we can all relate to. Roll call was answered with “what is your favorite flower.” Linda Gershmel, Sandy Gonzalez Luann Knutson, Ginger Moore, Lillian Moore, Kim Tarplee, and Melody Whitcher all enjoyed our time at Babs’ home. We missed Arlene and Bonnie. Minutes for the March meeting and treasurer’s report were approved as read. There were no birthdays in April.

We received a nice thank you card from the Petroleum County Senior Citizens. They appreciated the cute St. Patty’s Day table favors. In old business, we discussed what we would like to do for our end of year field trip. We decided we would like to go to the Yellowstone Art Museum in Billings. They have a nice little café there and we will eat lunch at the café and tour the museum. Afterwards, we can decide if we want to check out Yesteryears Antique Mall on Broadway (the old Hart Albin Building).

Our Homemaker group would like to buy a membership for seniors for Curt and Bonnie Moore. We also bought them several meals. Health problems for both Curt and Bonnie prevent them from getting out as much and this way they can have a nice meal delivered to them every Thursday. Babs motioned, Kim seconded to purchase the senior membership and meals. Motion carried. Raye Anne found several baggies with books and bibs in them that Homemakers used to put together and give to new mothers and babies in the community. Homemakers donated them to the Winnett Lions for their program to present to new mothers.

Elections of officers for the 2024-25 year were held. Liinda motioned, Ginger seconded to keep all the officers the same, and to cease nominations. Motion carried. The officers for the new year are Sandy – President, Luann – Vice President, Raye Anne – Secretary/Treasurer, and Ginger – Scrapbook. Ginger mentioned she could use another scrapbook for Homemakers. She is running out of room. Kim and Sandy will check to see if they have any scrapbooks on hand. Sandy won the blind pig. Secret Sister Gifts were handed out. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 8, instead of Tuesday. Melody works on Tuesdays and this way she will be able to go to the Art Museum with us. We will have our red/white/blue themed gift exchange. See you next month.

The Winnett Booster Club’s 4th Annual Booster Bash was held at Flatwillow Hall on May 4. Social hour started at 6:00, 6:30, the cards games began, and dinner started at 7:00. We had a delicious meal of pulled pork sandwiches, baked potatoes, green beans and cherry cheesecake for dessert. Kale and Lisa Sandman had a cash bar there. There were tons of door prizes given away plus games played to win different prizes. Some of the Booster Club activities included a new refrigerator/drink cooler for concessions, Winnett Ram window decals, new uniforms and warm-up for the track team, new basketball uniforms for high school, both home and away, and new Jr. High basketball reversable uniforms. They also sponsor and help with potlucks for the pep rally, senior night activities, locker decorations, meals for tournaments and many more projects for the WGR sports teams and Winnett school. Thank you for all your hard work for our students. Craig Iverson won the fire pit in the first “Heads or Tails” game. Zach Lewis won the $250 credit towards any bull semen, bull purchase, or preg check in the 2nd “Heads or Tails” game. There were four card games – Leslie Iverson won the Chico Hot Springs Gift Certificate, Daniel Lang won the Cross Five 2 Holster Vet Cooler, Steve Moore won the Springfield XD-S Mod.2 9 MM pistol, and TJ Hauck won the Smith & Wesson .223 AR Rifle. Wonderful prizes and too many door prizes to mention all, but thank you for playing, donating, and helping make the booster bash a huge success.

Congratulations to our Skills USA medal winners at their competition in Helena March 24 -27th. Congratulations to our newly charted FFA chapter at Winnett High School. The team placed 18th out of 43 in Floriculture, and in Meats they placed 25th out of 36. Their state convention was in Billings April 2-6th.

The 14th Winnett School All Class Reunion will be July 19-21. Be sure and get your registrations in as soon as you can. There will be a car show through out the weekend, a parade, a dance, alumni meals and many more activities.

Vacation Bible School will be at the First Baptist Church May 28 – 31. Cemetery clean-up will be on Saturday May 18 at 9:30. Everyone is welcome.

Winnett School Music Program was Tuesday night at the gym. What a wonderful concert. The elementary kids, directed by Kylie Thompson, were so cute and sang their hearts out. Thank you to Paul McKenna on guitar, and Linda Gershmel on violin who accompanied the kids. What an excellent job. Karen Hale, the music teacher had a wonderful band concert with her 5/6th grade band, and then the 7-12 band. It was a great night to listen to our talented students in music. There was also an elementary art show that everyone could check out before and after the concert. Thank you to Melody Whitcher, the art teacher along with the music teachers for a wonderful spring concert.

The Winnett Cancer walk will be June 1 at the school. It will be 5:00-7:00pm and there will be a taco bar supper. There will be a quilt and two meat bundles being raffled off. If you want tickets or want any luminaries, please contact Kim Tarplee.

Graduation at Winnett High School will be Sunday, May 19 at 1:00. It will be at the school gym. Baccalaureate will be at the Baptist Church that morning at 10:00. Congratulations to our seniors. We wish you the best as you leave high school behind and begin a new adventure. We have been receiving some much needed wonderful rain. The countryside is so alive and green. Have a great week!


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