Roundup Memorial Healthcare(RMH) Trauma's Program was awarded a Core State Injury Prevention Program

Roundup Memorial Healthcare(RMH) Trauma's Program was awarded a Core State Injury Prevention Program Increasing Capacity, Training, and Education for Injury Prevention in Montana FY24 - Mini-Grant. The RMH trauma team will be running a Helmets Rock -Youth Brain Injury Prevention Program starting thisspring. Part of the programwill include community education, free helmet sizing,

and free helmets. RMH will be utilizing funds to purchase bicycle, equestrian, and ATV/motorcross helmets.

If any group would like to partake in free helmet education, sizing, and helmets please reach out to Alex Goffena, Trauma Coordinator at 406-861-5619 or [email protected]. Also, keep an eye out for upcoming community helmet events to help keep our youths' brains safe.


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