Rep. Rosendale Introduces Legislation Banning Federal Mask Mandates

Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) became an original cosponsor of the Freedom to Breathe Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, which will prohibit the federal government from instituting mask mandates. Rep. Rosendale is joined by Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Ryan Zinke (MT-01), Mike Collins (GA-10), Mary Miller (IL-15), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), George Santos (NY-03), Tom Tiffany (WI-07), Michael Guest (MS-03), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Dan Bishop (NC-08), Andy Ogles (TN-05), Bill Posey (FL-08), and Lance Gooden (TX-05) in introducing this legislation, which is the House companion to a bill introduced by Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio.

“Mask mandates are not only ineffective at preventing the spread of disease, they’re also another example of the federal government trying to trample our rights and force compliance,” said Rep. Rosendale. “This legislation will prohibit the President, faceless bureaucrats, public school administrators, or commercial airlines from implementing failed health policies that muzzle American citizens and rob them of their rights. Republicans have pledged to end federal mandates related to COVID-19, especially mask mandates. I hope all my colleagues will uphold that promise and support this crucial legislation.

The Freedom to Breathe Act will prohibit all federal bureaucrats, elected officials, or organizations that receive federal funding from instituting mask mandates. These prohibitions will apply to all domestic air travel, public transportation, elementary schools, secondary schools, or institutions of higher education. In schools that receive federal funding, no student, teacher, parent, or other individual can be forced to comply with a mask mandate.


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