Rep. Rosendale Participates in House Freedom Caucas Press Conference on Spending

Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) joined members of the House Freedom Caucus at a press conference hosted by FreedomWorks on upcoming spending negotiations. Congressman Rosendale was joined by Reps. Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Keith Self (TX-03), Bob Good (VA-05), Ralph Norman (SC-05), Andy Ogles (TN-05), and FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon.

“Over the next several weeks, we’re going to see if the House of Representatives is going to keep their word,” said Rep. Rosendale. “When the House passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act earlier this year, we made a commitment to the American people that we would freeze spending and cut Biden’s woke agenda from the federal budget. As negotiations move forward, we must see all twelve appropriation bills to get a complete picture of federal spending before we consider voting on any of them.

Democrat leaders say that our cuts are ‘woefully irresponsible’ when in reality, their takeover of the federal government is wokefully irresponsible. The Left’s reckless spending spree on DEI, green new deal style subsidies, and other woke nonsense is bloating our government and forcing a woke social experiment on the American people. The taxpayers voted to put the Republican party in the majority to put an end to reckless spending in Washington, and that’s exactly what my colleagues and I in the Freedom Caucus intend to do.”


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