Real People. Real Weight Loss.

On June 14th, 2010, Linda Cureau joined a group in Roundup called TOPS. TOPS is an acronym for Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. This year is the 75th year anniversary of the organization. The group has helped many people take control over their issues with weight as a support group with weekly weigh-ins, and challenges and comradery that keep the group inspired. Montana has 41 chapters, and Roundup has one of them.

Over the course of ten years, Linda has lost one hundred pounds, and has kept it off. Everyone loves a successful weight loss story, and I was anxious to hear how Linda managed this incredible feat. Incredible feat turns out to be incredible feet. Linda started walking, and she hasn’t stopped. When she first began, she decided to walk 10,000 steps a day, but then she started walking even more. She said in the first six months she lost the most weight, sixty five pounds, but continued to walk, and continued to gradually lose another ten pounds in the next year. At seventy five pounds down, it is already a success, but Linda has kept that weight off for over ten years, and has lost another twenty five, just reaching the 100 pound mark last August. She walked up to twenty thousand steps a day some days.

Because of the innovation of a walking tracker called Fitbit, Linda shared her year in review stats. Linda exercised 268 days last year. She walked a total of 4million, 560thousand, and 992 steps. Yes, millions! It is incredible. Her best month of walking was in May, and on October 17th of last year she walked an incredible 30,405 steps in one day. If you have been in Roundup for any time, you have probably seen Linda out walking. She walks with her dogs, and they love it as much

as she does. During the fourth of July, and the Halloween parade, Linda is always out in the spirit of festivity. She even has her pets dressed up for these occasions.

Linda states that she exercises around her house in bad weather, or in the winter, but she prefers to be outside. She says that, when walking in the house it can be tempting to grab a snack as your cruising by the kitchen, and outside is away from thoughts of food or goodies.

One of the difficulties for older people getting out to walk is often the “trippers” that are often along the way, uneven paths, or difficult terrain. Linda said that at one point she would go to the grocery store to get her walk in. This is a great idea, though, she did say that sometimes the employees would come and ask her if she needed help. In bigger cities the older folks have malls that they can take a safe walk in, but Roundup lacks a place where people can have a safe place to walk. The community center has opened the doors for this, but it has steps up to the front that may be a difficulty for some. The other problem is finding out when it is open for walkers.

Linda has reached a level with the TOPS group called KOPS, which is another acrostic which stands for Keeping Off Pounds Sensibly. Linda’s success is an inspiration for me, and hopefully any reader, no matter what your struggle. The diligent work and willpower that Linda has exemplified shows anyone that if you make up your mind about something, and make yourself do the work, you will succeed. Congratulations Linda, and congratulations to TOPS and our local chapter for 75years. TOPS meets on Tuesday Mornings at 11:30 for weigh-ins, at the New Life Fellowship church.


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