The Children's Bazaar and Christmas Stroll were a great success this year for RSVP.

This success could not have happened without our wonderful volunteers and Advisory Board and I must thank them publicly.

Tomi Alger, Thank You the work you do in the RSVP office and your assistance in coordinating our events.

Joe Mattern, Thank You for helping us get all of our items needed to the Children's Bazaar and the Christmas Stoll.

Norma Trent, Thank You for your help at the Children's Bazaar.

Valerie Billedeaux, Thank You for your assistance at the Children's Bazaar and the Christmas Stoll.

Andrea Durgin, Bette Ross, MaryLou Brandt, Roberta Hagstrom, Tomi Alger, Julie Sirovetz and Stephanie Greban. Thank you all for manning our RSVP table at the Christmas Stroll. We had a lot going on at our table and you all make an event like this so much fun with your enthusiasm and humor!!!

Thank You to Pronto Construction for their generous donation to the Secret Santa Stocking event.

And THANK YOU ROUNDUP MT!!! There was a great turn out for both events and RSVP wants to let the Community of Roundup know how much we appreciate their support!!!


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