MSU College of Agriculture Seeks Nominations for Outstanding Leaders

Montana State University's College of Agriculture is seeking nominations for the Outstanding Agricultural Leader award, which will be presented during the annual Celebrate Agriculture Weekend Oct. 21-22 at MSU.

The award recognizes individuals, families or businesses that have gone above and beyond for the Montana agricultural industry in the realms of public service, advocacy, production or business. Awardees will be honored during the Celebrate Ag breakfast event Oct. 22 ahead of the Bobcat home football game against Weber State.

"Celebrate Ag is a special time for our college and our Montana community. We are excited to welcome our stakeholders, supporters and alumni to campus and honor a new recipient of the Outstanding Agricultural Leader award," said MSU Vice President of Agriculture and College of Agriculture Dean Sreekala Bajwa.

Last year's award recipient was Dave Kelsey of Molt, who has operated his dryland farm for more than 40 years, growing small grains and raising cattle. An MSU graduate, he has served as an agriculture teacher and spent decades promoting agricultural education at all levels, while volunteering in his community and lobbying for agricultural issues in Helena and Washington, D.C.

To be considered for the award, nominees must be well respected in their agricultural community with accomplishments that have wide impact; be an industry leader or an upcoming active innovative producer; and be actively involved in the agriculture industry.

Active MSU or government employees are only eligible for the award's "Friend of the COA/MAES" category. Retired university or government employees will be considered if they have been retired for at least two years and have shown service above and beyond their job description. Nominees who are not selected can be renominated in future years.

The deadline for nominations is Aug. 30 and supporting letters of recommendation are highly encouraged. An online nomination form is at, and paper copies can be requested by calling the College of Agriculture dean's office at 406-994-3681.

Celebrate Agriculture Weekend is an annual event to honor Montana's agricultural legacy and current and future agricultural leaders, producers and students. Further details for the event will be posted to the Celebrate Agriculture website this summer.

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