I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer(telephonically), Bedford, and Serrano. Trustee Snook was not present at this meeting. Administrators in attendance were High School Principal Larson, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. Elementary Principal Griffith was not present at this meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:04 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Kenny Davis and Sharon McLeod.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on September 13, 2021, were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of October were approved. Without objection, the fuel bid for October was approved as follows:

Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 3.3634

Diesel: McCleary #1 3.2722


Dist. #2 2.9722

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment

Sharon McLeod inquired of the COVID status of our teachers and students. Superintendent Sealey and Principal Larson both stated a handful of students have been quarantined, but they cannot speak as to positive COVID tests. On a different note, Chairperson Vandeberg commended the MTSBA for its letter standing up for people and their First Amendment Rights.

VI. Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Sealey reported a committee met on September 22nd to discuss substitute hourly pay and is recommending raising the substitute rate from $10/hr to $11/hr. Discussion was held. Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to increase the hourly substitute rate to $11/hour effective immediately. Passed 4-0

Superintendent Sealey reported the large grass area at the elementary school continues to be problematic. We have taken sod out and replaced it as well as reseeded large areas each year. Superintendent Sealey stated he visited with one synthetic turf company in Billings, and if we (school) removed the sod, the cost of the entire area would be between $60,000 and $70,000. Superintendent Sealey can obtain additional prices, if desired. Discussion was held. The Board asked Superintendent Sealey to keep looking into other options.

Superintendent Sealey stated MTSBA would review our current policy book to see if we are missing any required policies, and make any recommendations for added policies. They would also make up to three trips to Roundup to meet with the Board. The cost is $5,500, and the school has not elected these services since 2004. Additionally, for $1,100 per year, MTBSA will put our policy book online and update the book whenever the Board updates or adds policies. Discussion was held. Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to approve this service from MTSBA for the initial cost of $5,500 as well as the $1,100 annual service to publish our policy book online and keep it updated.



Superintendent Sealey reported sealed bids for the obsolete sale items currently being advertised will be accepted until Thursday, October 28th at 4:00 PM.

Superintendent Sealey stated the school has been reimbursed all but $15,000 for the DLA Grant. We have some final project close outs to complete, and we are working with Snowy Mountain Development to make sure Air Controls paid Davis Bacon wages for this project. Discussion was held.

Superintendent Sealey stated the REA would like to start negotiations in November, so we need to find a date for our first meeting. Superintendent Sealey suggested 6:00 PM on November 8th prior to the regular, November board meeting.

Superintendent Sealey reported due to a DOR audit, the school districts will be receiving $14,079 in coal gross proceeds from 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Principal Larson disbursed his October Principal’s Report as well as the Weekly Activities Report for the week of October 11th and October 18th for the Jr/Sr High School, and discussion was held. Principal Larson added he accompanied Mr. Eiselein on a field trip to Bear Gulch last week, and Mrs. Cliff has been busy taking Seniors to college fairs.

VII. Old Business

Board Goals for 2021-22

1. Community Center-Pool Area, Wrestling Facility, Daycare~Superintendent Sealey reported he received a quote to transform the pool area at the community center into a wrestling and cheer room. The cost to the pool area is far too high to attempt this project at this time. One option would be to build an addition off of the building. Superintendent Sealey will research this further. Superintendent Sealey met with PTSA today to visit about daycare. PTSA has some ideas on how the school can work with HRDC to hopefully provide this service in the future.

2. Technology Needs and Upgrades~Adam Toombs is working in teacher classrooms to install updated machines. IPads for students are being updated.

3. Unlocking the Reading Code

4. Safety Plans and Needs

5. Attendance Center (Colony School)

6. School Housing~Superintendent Sealey reported he received a call from someone tied to the Central School project, and Superintendent Sealey relayed the school has a great need for staff housing if that continues to be a possibility.

VIII. New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported a bus aide position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Reva DeWitt a contract for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Reva DeWitt a contract as a bus aide for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported a kitchen helper position has been advertised, and the administration recommends moving Edith Steck from her housekeeping position to kitchen helper for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to move Edith Steck from housekeeping to the kitchen for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported an assistant high school wrestling position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Kody Stahl a contract for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to offer Kody Stahl a contract as an assistant high school wrestling coach for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported the following substitutes need to be approved pending fingerprints: Amanda Barnett, Macey Widmier, Karen Merfeld, and Val Topping.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to approve the above-referenced substitutes, pending fingerprints.



Unforeseen Personnel


Policy 1420 Update

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided a required update to a required policy to clearly state the role of the board chair in approving agenda items, update the authority of the board to change the order of business in compliance with the latest interpretation of open meeting law, and ensure consistency of notification requirement with special meeting provisions in law. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered update Policy 1420 and incorporate said policy update into our policy book.



Policy 2221P, 2140, 2167, and 2170 Updates

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided updates to several policies in Instruction policies to reflect changes in law and to make sure all policy changes are aligned. These are required updates to recommended policies. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered update Policies 2221P, 2140, 2167, and 2170 and incorporate said policy updates into our policy book.



Policy 3121, 3222, and 3235 Updates

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided updates to three (3) policies in student policies to reflect changes in law and to make sure all policy changes are aligned. These are required updates to recommended policies. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered update Policies 3121, 3222, and 3235 and incorporate said policy updates into our policy book.



Policy 5223 Update

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided an update to Policy 5223 to address ownership of materials completed by employees in the scope of their duties using public resources. They also added a section on Firearms and Weapons that would be very similar to language in the Student section of policy. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano , it was ordered update Policy 5223 and incorporate said policy update into our policy book. Passed 4-0

Policy 7251 Update

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided an update to Policy 7251 to address disposal and sale of school district property. Inapplicable language has been removed based on Section 20-6-603, MCA. This is a required update to a recommended policy. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered update Policy 7251 and incorporate said policy update into our policy book. Passed 4-0

First Reading Policy 8211

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA has provided a model policy for Procurement Using Federal Funds. This policy is very similar to our current Procurement Policy and is recommended by MTSBA. Discussion was held. This is the first reading of this policy.

Removal of Policy 2312P

Superintendent Sealey reported MTSBA is recommending removal of Policy 2312P, and the District would just use our current Policy 2312. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered remove Policy 2312P from our policy book.



October Student Enrollment

Superintendent Sealey reported Monday, October 4, 2021, was the first official student count day for the 2021-22 school year. This count will be averaged with the count in February 2022 to help establish our general fund budget for next school year. Discussion was held. 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

9th 56 39 47

10th 33 55 38

11th 41 33 53

12th 48 40 36

Total 178 167 174

Dates to Remember

• Senior Night Football and Cross Country-October 15th

• Early Out-October 20th @ 2:00 PM

• No School-MEA Convention-October 21st & 22nd

• State Cross Country @ Missoula-October 22nd

• Senior Night-Volleyball-October 23rd

• No School-PIR DAY-October 25th

• National FFA @ Indianapolis-October 27th-30th

• No School-October 29th

• District Volleyball @ Joliet-October 29th & 30th

• Parent Teacher Conferences-No School-November 1st

• School Board Meeting-November 8th @ 7:00 PM

IX. No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:06 PM. Passed 4-0


OF OCTOBER 11, 2021


I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer(telephonically), Bedford, and Serrano. Trustee Snook was not present at this meeting. Administrators in attendance were High School Principal Larson, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. Elementary Principal Griffith was not present at this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 8:06 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Kenny Davis and Sharon McLeod.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on September 13, 2021, were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of October were approved. Without objection, the fuel bid for October was approved as follows:

Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 3.3634

Diesel: McCleary #1 3.2722


Dist. #2 2.9722

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment


VI. Superintendent’s Report

As Principal Griffith was not present, Superintendent Sealey reviewed and discussed the October Principal’s Report.

VII. Old Business


VIII. New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported an elementary housekeeping position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Daymeon Dewyne a contract for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. (7hrs/day) Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Daymeon Dewyne a contract as an elementary housekeeper for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported two junior high school wrestling positions have been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Jordan Cliff (prorated) and Kody Stahl contracts for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Jordan Cliff (prorated) and Kody Stahl contracts as junior high wrestling coaches for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported two junior high school girls’ basketball positions have been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Mark Stordahl and Cory Rutan contracts for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to offer Mark Stordahl and Cory Rutan contracts as junior high girls’ basketball coaches for the 2021-22 school year.



Unforeseen Personnel


October Student Enrollment

Superintendent Sealey reported Monday, October 4, 2021, was the first official student count day for the 2021-22 school year. This count will be averaged with the count in February 2022 to help establish our general fund budget for next school year. Discussion was held. 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

7th 45 44 43

8th 32 44 49

Total 87 88 92

K 39 37 45

1st 36 32 45

2nd 45 33 37

3rd 39 44 37

4th 36 34 51

5th 48 31 40

6th 44 44 35

Total 287 255 290

Total K-8 364 343 382

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the items from the High School meeting be repeated and approved. Those items included:

* Consent Agenda (Fuel Bid & Minutes)

* Old Business

* Personnel

* Policy 1420 Update

* Policy 2221P, 2140, 2167, and 2170 Updates

* Policy 3121, 3222, and 3225 Updates

* Policy 5233 Update

* Policy 7251 Update

* First Reading Policy 8211

* Removal of Policy 2312P

* Dates to Remember Passed 4-0

IX. No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:16 PM. Passed 4-0


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