Another Acronym?

Written by Abby Majerus

It seems that anymore there are acronyms for everything. They show up in our everyday conversations -FYI and BRB – and in our everyday activities – ATM and BLT. So, I apologize in advance for adding another acronym or two to your vocabulary but let me introduce you to …..FADC & SMDC.

The FADC, which stands for Food and Agriculture Development Center, is the newest addition to the numerous services offered at SMDC – Snowy Mountain Development Corporation. This grant-funded center is an ideal addition to serve the agriculture strong communities and businesses of Central Montana.

Funded by the Montana Department of Agriculture, the Snowy Mountain Food and Agriculture Development Center joins an established network of centers. The centers – located in communities throughout Montana – operate as a statewide network serving community-based businesses. From Wolf Point to Butte, these centers support economic development by ensuring that more of the state’s food, agricultural and energy dollars circulate in Montana. At SMDC, the FADC helps Central Montanans innovate and grow businesses that produce and commercialize food, agricultural and renewable energy products, and processes. These services include business planning and development through market research and assistance with business plan writing; strategizing access to financing through various gap funding options; business research and networking opportunities; and education on changes in industry dynamics and emerging technologies.

Of all the acronyms you use in your daily tasks, please add SMDC and FADC to your list of favorites and reach out whenever we can be of help.

If you are interested in learning more about your local FADC or are in need of business or technical assistance, please contact Abby Majerus, Director of the Snowy Mountain FADC, at 406-535-2591 or email at [email protected]


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