Letters to the Editor

A few weeks ago I was reviewing the WEF meeting of the globalists in Davos Switzerland earlier this year. During my reading I came across a strange statement made by the World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab. During his speeches at this meeting he talked about how the world would be taken over by aliens. I thought that is a strange thing to say. Just what did he mean in his shared thought? Most of us when we think of the word aliens we think of strange beings from outer space or those illegal aliens crossing into our country. In one of his books, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Klaus Schwab wrote of ubiquitous, mobile supercomputing intelligent robots. He also wrote about the future of self- driving cars, Genetic editing and Neur-technological brain enhancements. So writing about the future of AI Robots is this what he meant in his cryptic statement? That hybrid robots made in a lab would take over the world in the very near future? I think that this is actually what Klaus Schwab meant when he said, "The world will be taken over by aliens." We are now entering the new and fascinating Fourth Industrial Revolution. The aliens have landed and we are the ones who created them.This new era will usher in many questions and experimentations. It will be characterized by a range of new technologies that will fuse the physical,digital and biological world. This new technology will even challenge what it means to be human. Let me take the pleasure of introducing a man, one you may never have heard of before. Eliezer Yudkowsky. as an AI researcher at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute [MRI] in Berkeley California. He is also known as a decision theorist. This brilliant remarkable scientific man has never been inside of a regular school nor attended any college. And he is regarded by colleges and those who know him as being a true genius. In a recent April 8, 2023 Time magazine interview he said that if someone made a too powerful AI, under present conditions, that every single member of the human species and all biological life on earth will die. Eliezer Yubowsky also wrote that he was unsure to expect serious damage from biology knowing AIs if misused by humans. We have many AI labs in use today. Many of these are becoming commonplace in the Pharmaceutical companies. Where AI is being used to find new drugs beneficial to man and as a cure for diseases we are infected by. We are indeed in a new age of discovery and our government and other world governments try to interfere with this natural occurrence. They try to control us ,never realizing that they cannot stop the human brain from advancing in thought. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will continue with or without the consent of government officials. I want to end today.s editorial with one question. Will these AI robots have a digital soul?

Nancy Kemler



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