Rep. Rosendale Will Not Vote to Fund the Government Until the Border is Secured

Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) released the following statement regarding the invasion at the southern border:

“There is a never-before-seen security crisis taking place at our southern border due to the America Last policies of President Biden and Sec. Mayorkas,” said Rep. Rosendale. “Congress must utilize every tool we have available to us to secure the border, including shutting Washington down!

Key Background:

In December alone, a record 302,000 illegal immigrants crossed the United States southern border with Mexico.

Rep. Rosendale reintroduced the Secure America’s Borders First Act in 2023 to force President Biden to build the wall and control the border before any more taxpayer dollars can be sent overseas to Kiev.

Rep. Rosendale voted in favor of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, to end Joe Biden’s open-border policies.

Rep. Rosendale joined Rep. Biggs and 33 other colleagues on a resolution to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his dereliction of duty, allowing for the invasion at the southern border.

Rep. Rosendale co-sponsored the State Border Defense Act which allows states to carry out immigration law themselves without having to wait on the Biden Administration.

Rep. Rosendale voted in favor of the DHS appropriations bill which allocates $2 billion for physical barriers and funding for 22,000 border patrol agents.


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