Letters to the Editor

When do we Finally Call Bribery Bribery and Treason Treason?

Evidence against Joe Biden is coming out like a flood from multiple sources including the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. But when do we finally call bribery bribery and treason treason? The FBI does not investigate, the DOJ does not prosecute, the Deep State media (the vast majority of the establishment news) does not report, and the Democrat Party does not condemn it’s president on the flood of evidence pouring out the last month. Silence or inaction does not disprove evidence ignored. The info associated with the 2020 election Coup d’état and the Biden Crime family corruption are at least a hundred times worse than Watergate.

This column limits itself to recent Oversight Committee revelations. We published on previous news breaks on Committee findings, thus reviewing them might be helpful as a prelude to this column; see “House Finds Biden used over 20 shell Companies to hide money from China,” “With Treason Documented, When do the Arrests Begin?,” “Biden Family made Millions from Influence Peddling,” “Biden Family’s CCP Connections and $250,000 Payoff Wired to Delaware Home.” One ignorant on this topic is so by choice.

This piece is yet another Biden money trail finding. This one proves Joe, as “the big guy,” in the Biden crime family operation receiving 10% of the profits as Hunter had previously claimed. On November 1st the Committee “released a video and bank records memorandum revealing how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money from the account of his brother, James Biden, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in the form of a personal check.”

This money trail, the Committee attests “begins in July 2017 when Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese Communist Party (CCP) linked associate. On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden sent a message to Raymond Zhao—a CEFC associate—demanding a $10 million dollar capital payment and claimed his father, Joe Biden, was sitting in the room. CEFC is a Chinese energy company linked to the CCP. The Biden’s began working with CEFC when Joe Biden was Vice President” under Barrack Obama.

“On August 8, 2017, Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong. That same day, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden. On August 14, 2017, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by President Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara Biden. On August 28, 2017, Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group. Later the same day, she deposited it into her and James Biden’s personal checking account. On September 3, 2017, Sara Biden cut a check to Joe Biden for $40,000 for a “loan repayment” (“Comer Reveals How Joe Biden Received Laundered China Money,” November 1, 2023). Ten percent of the $400,000 to Owasco, is $40,000. Joe Biden personally profited from Hunter’s family business dealings from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The money trail ended in Joe’s wallet.

On the check was written “loan repayment,” probably a part of the camouflage of the money as no evidence is yet found that James owed his brother Joe $40,000. To this James Comer, Oversight Committee Chairman wrote, “But even if this $40,000 check was a loan repayment from James Biden, it still shows how Joe benefited from his family cashing in on his name – with money from China no less. Without his family peddling his name and his son threatening a CEFC associate with consequences that he said Joe Biden knew about, James wouldn’t have had the money to write the $40,000 check to his brother Joe.” BINGO!!!

Comer then added, “It’s also worth remembering that Biden family efforts to secure millions from this Chinese company began when Joe Biden was still Vice President. In taking funds sourced to a CCP-linked company that wanted to advance China’s interests, Joe Biden exposed himself to future blackmail and put America’s interests behind his own desire for money” (Ibid.). This is certainly bribery and likely treason as well.

Other compelling evidence against Joe Biden also surfaced in the last 30 days. The National Archives (NARA) was forced by a FOIA to surrender “4,243 emails to/from Hunter Biden; 19,335 emails to/from the domains @rosemontseneca.com and @senecaga.com; 1,751 emails to/from Jim Biden;, and 3,738 emails to/from domain @lionhallgp.com. In addition, it documents that “Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential Office Exchanged nearly 20,000 Emails with Hunter Biden’s Investment Firm, AFL [America First Legal] Says,” (By James Lynch The Daily Caller). So much for Joe Biden not knowing anything about his son’s business dealings . He participated with him in them to dish government secrets to Hunter and others for sale and profit.

Also, shockingly disclosed by NARA, "President Biden sent or received up to 82,000 pages worth of private emails while serving as Barack Obama’s vice president, as part of a lawsuit. The Archives revealed that the trove of correspondence spanned all eight years of Biden’s vice presidency and included messages to or from three [Joe Biden’s] shadow email addresses: ‘[email protected],’ ‘[email protected]' and ‘[email protected],’ according to a joint filing with the Georgia-based Southeastern Legal Foundation” (“Biden exchanged up to 82K pages of emails under pseudonyms while VP: lawsuit,” By Josh Christenson, New York Post, Oct. 31, 2023). The fake Biden name, Robert L. Peters, was used the most to hide his nefarious purposes. President Obama had to have known of the deceit.

So when do we finally call bribery bribery and treason treason? The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability just did—providing a money trail from Communist China into the pocket of Joe Biden hiding both under 20 secret shell companies, hidden emails, and fake names.

Dr. Harold Pease is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constitution. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years at Taft College.


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