Letters to the Editor

Have you taken the time my fellow Americans to watch the January 6, 2021 so called "Insurrection " tapes? Tucker Carlson ran several videos of events that happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington

D.C. that prove that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump and a "coup" against the American people was also conducted in order to force a fundamental change of our country and its government toward a One World Government. Yes, take a sane American loyal to his country like Donald Trump out and replace him with a buffoon who falls on his face as he climbs up the steps of a plane in a foreign country. January 6, 2021 was a peaceful protest by Americans who knew then that the election was stolen and their votes dumped in the trash by the Democrat party who is led in the shadows by Deep State and greedy power hungry Globalists. And Deep State how about corrupt Liz Cheney a Republican who lied about President Trump even wanting to put him in prison for crimes he never committed! Many Republicans were in on this political coup against Trump and his MAGA followers. I will use one example in this article of a push for a One World Order, Ukraine. Biden abruptly retreated the United States out of a twenty year worthless war in Afghanistan only with a plan to get us involved in Ukraine. Ukraine was never a country. It had been part of the Russian empire for hundreds of years, Poland once claimed areas of Ukraine, then those evil corrupt American politicians like the Biden family, John Kerry, Mitt Romney to mention a few, who used Ukraine to launder money for them went along with globalists like Georeg Soros to make Ukraine a sovereign nation in 1991. To their benefit of course. Then a creepy guy named Zelensky was put into power. Zelensky is corrupt himself, once had so-called comedy acts like playing the piano with his penis and dancing in black leather outfits and wearing high heeled black boots while touching the butts of the other male dancers on stage. This is the kind of President that Biden has so far given $130 billion in tax dollars with plans to give more along with military equipment. Right from the start Ukraine was part of the American military industrial complex ambitious plan to make billions of dollars for themselves. A handful of globalists are and will continue to make money from manufacturing war weapons and ammunition for Ukraine's fight with Russia. This combat between Ukraine and Russia is a proxy war that is making Americans poorer by the day. Biden spends tax dollars in Ukraine that we will never see again.NATO is a cover-up for this military industrial complex it always has lied and betrayed the truth about wars that the United States has been forced into fighting. Our country, Western Europe and other allies refuse to defend themselves against globalists like Klaus Schwab, George Soro and many many others, to save their nations sovereignty and by allowing this to happen will make people universally slaves to their powers. One person in all of this is Russia's Putin. I see Putin as a defender of his nation and the Russian people he is fighting back at the globalists. So I ask you Americans just who is the monster here? Joe Biden with globalist support or Putin who defends his country and Russian population? As we speak Zelensky is demanding Americans send our sons and daughters to fight in Ukraine, he seems to have Washington D.C. war mongers support in this suggestion. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is leaning towards this military move. Is this what we want patriots another foreign war that will kill our kids and drain us of our resources to meet the demands of a disgusting jerk who plays the piano using his penis?

Nancy Kemler



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