January 6, "They set us up," said Capitol Police

What we have learned in February 2023 alone is blowing apart what the January 6th Committee had reported as being true the last two years. New body cam footage from January 6, 2021 between MPD discusses how “they set us up.” It recorded, “Let them take the [Capitol]. They set us up. We don’t have the resources” (“New J6 Footage Shows Officer Saying ‘They Set Us Up,”’ by Anthony Scott, Gateway Pundit, Feb. 22, 2023). This suggests that the officers on duty themselves WERE set up, someone above them wanted this to happen, and that there was no way they could have stopped this. Who? Nancy Pelosi, the FBI? Do we have Pelosi’s emails yet?

We also now know confidential human sources permeated the place. Newly released body cam footage obtained, through the court trial of January 6 defendant William Pope of Topeka Kansas, shows and records uniformed officers discussing how to spot the non-uniformed agents. Obviously they needed to know others who were officers. But the released videos show these officers climbing barricades and urging protesters to go toward the Capitol building. MPD bicyclist officers stopped four armed men in plain clothes that turned out to be law enforcement agents (X22 Reports hereafter omitted, Ep. 3003b, Feb. 21, 2023, 53:27).

Apparently their were two types of officers on site, those protecting the Capitol feeling “set up” and those not in uniform but outside in the crowd inciting insurrection, as for example Ray Epps video taped hurling a large sign at Capitol police but was never arrested (Ep. 3004b, Feb. 22, 2023, 37:23).—yet another just touching the sign on its path, was.

More and more video clips are being leaked. DC_Draino, an investigative journalist, noted that the solid brass Columbus Doors at the US Capital were impenetrable and asks, “Who let them in?” Someone from within ordered them opened (Ep. 3004b, Feb. 22, 2023, 37:23).

Especially disturbing are the videos showing the use of tear gas by the police, even one time on fellow cops, apparently to move the crowd forward. The Deep State news said “Trump supporters overran the police lines on J.6.” What is now apparent is that “the crowd was peaceful until cops started tear gassing everybody, including fellow cops, and then people moved [forward] to find breathable air. If you have 100 people stacked behind you, of course, you’ll move forward to literally breath….” “Time lapse video of the Westside of the Capitol shows the crowd move past police lines at 2:27 p.m. EST. You know what happened at 2:26 pm? Body cam footage shows a cop shooting a tear gas grenade ‘into police lines’ causing them to retreat for air!” (DC_Draino, Ep. 3006b, Feb. 24, 2023, 32:50).

Another unacceptable strategy was to beat an innocent protester making those around him more violent. A video clip has one cop asking another the question, “What do we got that can push them? Munitions wise?” The other responded, “They can beat one [innocent] protester, creating a multiplier effect on the angry mob.” These cops knew that they were hurting “innocent people” but needed footage of an enraged mob entering the Capitol thus “they kept doing it anyways…” (Ep. 3006b, Feb. 24, 2023, 33:23).

Other videos clips, both old and newly discovered, show Capitol Police holding open the doors and confidential human sources rushing to keep them open for the “supposed insurrectionists”—all unarmed—still coming in. This was especially so on the Upper West Terrace. This is not what a real insurrection looks like (Ep 3011b, Mar. 2,2023, 45:00).

But perhaps the biggest new finding of the past month is not a video but a government document called “1776 Returns,” recently brought to light in a motion submitted by Proud Boys attorneys presently defending Proud Boy Leader Enrique Tarrio and four other Proud Boy members standing trial for seditious conspiracy. This mysterious document outlines strategic plans for the takeover of US gov.buildings on Jan.6, 2021, as its title implies a 2nd revolution. Apparently this government document was to be in the hands of Tarrio before January 6, in order to frame or implicate him in a government created scheme to storm buildings around the Capitol (“GOVERNMENT ENTRAPMENT: Proud Boys Set Up!, By Cara Castronuova, Gateway Pundit, Feb. 13, 2023).

It was delivered to him by close friend Erica Flores. Flores had repeatedly testified to the January 6 Committee that the government authored “1776 Returns” and that a FBI and/or CIA agent had ask her to share it with Enrique Tarrio presumably so that it could be found later in his possession and serve as evidence against him. Was Tarrio set up? His lawyers believe so. According to the motion by Attorney Roger Roots the government itself is the author of the most incriminating and damning document in his case ((Ibid.).

The credibility of the Intelligence community is at its lowest point in American history and the FBI was heavily involved in January 6 as reported by LibertyUnderFire December 2021 (“Capitol Siege, A Deep State Fed-surrection”) and in the elections (“FBI / DOJ Colluded Against Trump in Elections 2016, 2020 and 2022,” September 2022). We will have to see but the FBI is definitely not now a neutral agency.

These video clips are compelling, disturbing and powerful documentation that the January 6 Committee itself, by hiding or omitting them, may have been an instrument in the coverup. Jan 6 was an insurrection by the Deep State players some of whom sat on the Committee. Certainly there remains much more to unveil. Again, do we have Pelosi’s emails yet?

Dr. Harold W. Peasearold Pease is an expert on the United States Consitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years.


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