Too Young to Die.....

This is my friend, Michael Duran.

On August 20th, 2022, he was gunned down in broad daylight, in the street, where there were plenty of passers by to witness the incident. And, the whole thing was also caught on Q2s ccv camera outside their studio.

My name is Sabra Mack. It's now been 6 months and the BPD has turned everything over to the County Attorneys office and now it appears that the CA's office is going to have a Coroners Inquest. To say I'm confused and frustrated, is an understatement! We know how he died and we know who shot him. They are claiming self defense. I have seen the whole video. I didn't want to, I needed to. I was looking for answers. Instead, I only have more questions. More frustration. More confusion. Why hasn't there been an arrest? Why haven't any names been released to the public?

In the video, there's a couple in the car ahead of Michael's. They stop in a left turn lane of traffic to confront Michael. From the very beginning, they were the aggressors. Michael did start to defend himself after several punches and the guy coming at him with a road cone. Remember, they are claiming self defense. Michael had cut him off or something of that nature, in traffic. And this guy was enraged beyond description. Michael too, became angry after several minutes of fighting. The man goes back to his car, still very angry, Michael follows and multiple shots were fired from inside the vehicle. Michael was shot 9 times, mortally wounded. He laid in the street, in pain pleading for help. There was nothing that could be done. Michael died a short time later at the hospital. This is an outrage.

People, we need to take a stand against injustice, not only in this case, but other cases that have come to my attention since I became an advocate for Michael's family. WE WILL NOT GO

SILENTLY INTO THE NIGHT! He was important to so many people. He was only 30 years old and had his whole life ahead of him. He chose Montana, calling it beautiful and the people of Montana welcoming. He left his home state of California to get away from the crime and violence, and this is how he died, in the state he loved so much.

So much time has gone by with very little information given to the public. Stonewalling , passing the buck and complete lack of urgency has kept the people who love Michael from beginning the grief process.

Injustice is in the way of healing.

I have a Facebook group called Justice For Michael. Please take a look at it. And, I am asking you to help us get answers. We need help knowing what to do to, get answers for justice.

Take a good look at his picture. He is missed....Too young to senselessly.


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