
n article on Smart Meters. These are an electronic device that records information such as consumption of electric energy voltage levels. They provide greater clarity of the consumption of energy use. Smart Meters are being used in California, Colorado, and now, Northwest energy in Montana wants to install 590,000 new electric meters and gas modules across our state in homes and businesses. The industry calls these two-way communication meters either AMI or Smart Meters. Northwest energy had an important meeting on 2/22/2022 on the matter of using "New" technology to see just how much electric energy we use. In both states of California and Colorado these smart meters have offered the opportunity to CUT-OFF electric service of a home or business if too much is being used according to the utility companies. In western Europe where the governments who bought into the New Green Deal, have turned off electric power to conserve and has made the use of gas fuel so expensive, that the residents of England go to the public libraries to stay warm during the winter season. Home owners cannot afford to heat their homes. Currently, there is a major push by extreme environmentalist to destroy the hydro dams in the Northwest coast and California. Some dams in California have already been torn down! These hard core extremist are trying to force solar power onto us all.Is Northwest energy trying to meet their demands by installing Smart Meters in our homes and businesses? Do your research on these Smart Meters and decide for yourself before one is installed at your home or business. Be smart and do not allow an electronic device to make you cold during winter months or live in the dark.

Nancy Kemler



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