Letter from the Editor

In less than two years,we Americans have witnessed massive deterioration of our great nation.We watch a incompetent so-called President claim how well he has done issuing executive orders from the White House. Of course Biden has always been a political hack and pathological lair through out his disastrous career. So far what he has done, is create man-made problems. With the guiding hand of a evil destructive force as speaker of the House,together Biden and Nancy Pelosi have declared war on prosperity,and that involves capitalism,calling it ,"Climate Change" to scare us into doing away with our life styles and comforts.The Democrat Marxist party want to force us into housing we do not want and into cars we do not want to drive.Democrats have opened up the southern border allowing so far, 2 million unwanted or needed illegal aliens into our nation that get social services and over crowd our public school system. Mexican gangs enter our country freely. They just walk or drive in crossing an open border. The Mexican cartel gang,Sinaloa has gotten as far of Great Falls, Missoula and Bozeman Montana. Their specialty dangerous drug is Fentanyl. Which now they produce in rainbow colors that look the candy Sweet Tarts. Montana's Indian reservations are seeing constant over doses from cartel Fentanyl. Many of these people between the ages of 18 and 49 die from this illegally sold drug. To be honest,the Democrat Marxist party is as evil and vile as these Mexican organized crime gangs.They care nothing for humanity and will do anything for control and power. These Democrats still cling onto the olde worn out, "Too many white Supremacist " roaming the United States. Instead of investing billions to close our southern border and to stop illegal foreign nationals from entering this country, to sell dangerous deadly drugs and to market human flesh for sexual pleasure,they organize 37,000 IRS agents to sic on you American! They refuse to close our border but send a corrupt, country like Ukraine billions upon billions of American tax dollars to secure their border from Russia. No the United States would not be better with just one party,the Democrats.It would be our ending. Just look what these destructive bull dozers have done in less than two years to our country. BRING BACK THE TRUMP AMERICA. Start by voting this November for the changes we need to oust these communist control freaks from our lives.

Nancy Kemler



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