Letters to the Editor

It's not a "Cost of living crisis" but it is a cost of lock downs crisis, a cost of living inflation the money supply by 40% crisis, almost of the net zero agenda crisis and a cost of implementing sanctions on Russia crisis. The state of panic you are experiencing is directly due to government policy. Set in motion by the unqualified misfits within the Biden administration. Energy use a major topic today. Go back to the miserable years of the Obama era. He even went as far as to attack wood fuel burners trying to impose more EPA regulations on anyone who uses a wood burner for heat and cooking.Of course this measure was met with backlash. The Obama administration claimed that 13% of all soot pollution in the United States was caused from wood burners and wood fueled boilers. Barack Obama in 2014 wanted these to be more "efficient" to help lesson air pollution and improving air quality for Americans. Well as usual Obama being a domestic enemy and with extreme left wing views,was living in a make believe utopia. In the United States 2.3 million Americans use wood for fuel and cooking,Montana being the third in line for this energy source. Obama wasted his time as the world sees 3 billion people using wood every day for fuel. What Obama was really trying to do was impose tyranny in our lives just like Xi Xi Ping does on the Chinese people. Our corrupt government is in alignment with the New World Order elites.These maggots want to run the world,in their own way against the wishes or desires of all man-kind.Reports are coming from the United Kingdom,who's Prime Ministers allowed the New Green Deal to be inflicted upon the western Europe population, that this winter due to high energy cost that as many as 70% of restaurants in the U.K. will be forced to close for business. The countries of Italy,Spain and the U.K. are installing Smart Meters. A smart meter is a electrical device that records the information of energy use, voltage etc. If the government thinks the household or business is using too much they can shut you down. We have smart meters in the United States also,but we are not forced to have these installed in our homes or businesses. Not yet anyway. The state of Texas, Colorado and California have been installing these smart meters. How about you American, will you allow your corrupt government to install a smart ,meter or take away your wood burner? Or will you roll over and play dead as so many did during the Wuhan Chinese Flu, Covid planned demic?

Nancy Kemler



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