Letters to the Editor

The November elections are extremely important to our national security. If the Republicans take back the House and Senate we will see immediate security at our now open southern border. Californian Republican Kevin McCarthy if elected will take the place of Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker and the third in line for the White House should something dreadful happen to the President and Vice President. The majority of Republicans will vote close the southern border, restart border wall construction and reverse the illegal open border policies that Joe Biden has allowed. Amnesty must be proven by anyone claiming it. A foreign national has to be persecuted by their government before being granted amnesty into the United States. That is the LAW !!. After current Homeland Security advisor Aleiandro Mayorkas retires in January of 2023, he will be replaced by Louisiana Republican Clay Higgins who will enforce our national federal laws of immigration. Today is Sunday August 14, in last 24 hours 2,000 illegals crossed Rio Grande river into Del Rio Texas.We cannot sustain these people.,nor should we be forced to by the current corrupt Biden administration..Anyone wanting to become American must go through our system of immigration laws and follow procedures. The key component for November election is ,national security. Please get out and vote this November and vote for our security and freedoms.

Nancy Kemler



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