The Tree Board of the City of Roundup has once again installed Tree Gators on almost all trees planted in the last year on the boulevards of the residential sections. The new directive on the Gators is that they be filled as needed; that is, when they are empty. The Gators will distribute water as the tree requires. There is a tag on the Gators that covers the hole for hose placement for filling. It takes mere minutes to fill these Gators. The City Ordinance specifies that care is the responsibility of the property owner. The Tree Board has made every effort to assist. However, due to a shortage of able-bodied volunteers, property owners are respectfully requested to fulfill their responsibility. Anyone interested in helping with the tree program (no meetings!), please contact Gene or Delores DesJarlais at 406-323-1928 or any Tree Board member. Each new tree represents an approximate $1500 investment by the City and the Board. A drive around town will reveal the importance of WATER, WATER, WATER. The healthiest young trees are those that have been cared for.

Many of the trees were severely stressed by last summer’s heat/drought and the unusual winter Roundup experienced. DNRC and the Montana Urban & Community Forestry Association have advised that we take a “wait and see” attitude until next spring.


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