Letters to the Editor

Without any hesitation Biden has gone along with the millennial Green Energy Bill. He is actually keeping his word. As he ran for President in 2020 he did say, "No more subsidies for fossil fuel industry." He went on to say, "That these polluters will be held accountable." Then he went on to say they should go to jail! Just a reminder that Joe Biden and son Hunter should both be in a federal prison for crimes against this nation. Crimes that netted the two millions. Ukraine. This word rings in our ears now every day we hear about Ukraine. Ukraine is part of the green deal. Biden and his corrupt cronies in Washington D.C. shut off Russian oil to United States, and instead of opening up American oil pipelines, goes to Iran a long time enemy of the U.S. and the corrupt country of Venezuela run by a thug the people did not vote into power. Oil brought into U.S. loading ports by diesel oil tankers burn 2,625 gallons of diesel fuel per-hour. Does this make sense to you? And just take a look at his administration. Full of spoiled brat millennials that live at home with parents who have little drive and are very uneducated in fossil fuel usages. Take Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as an example, she is the Secretary of energy in our country. A senile Joe Biden gave her this position. A former bartender who never paid her bills and lived at home with her mother in the Bronx of New York. She went to college and never paid back her student loan. As a bartender she met the right person who got her into politics. How about Pete Buttigieg? An only child who’s father taught and praised communism at Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana. Biden made this buffoon our Secretary of Transportation. Like most millennials his solutions to today's problems is very infantile. He said solution to high gas prices is,"Buy an electric car." Then he said, "If your homeless go out and buy a house then you will not be homeless anymore!" Huh? This administration never tells us HOW the transition from fossil fuels to alternatives will happen. They leave out the "How" we do this. We are fast approaching a recession of great economic damage. Biden just signed a 1 1/2 trillion dollar emergency spending bill. 14.6 of this goes to Ukraine. Tons of silly pork is included in this bill. Congress is to blame Americans. Our Congress can no longer vote on a single bill, instead they bundle several into one. We cannot afford Ukraine and her problems we have more of our share at home. The Biden administration forgets one thing. That oil makes over 6,000 everyday products that we all use. To list a few: food preservatives, dishwashing liquid, eyeglasses, DVD’s, heart valves and the list goes on! These people and Biden himself must be stopped and We the people are the only ones who can. Research and vote for the right person to replace these hacks in office today. We can beat these morons who design the destruction of our beloved country.They will be the only ones to profit from the fall of our nation.

Nancy Kemler



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