Letters to the Editor

Americans have become involved in a very dangerous situation that none of us ever wanted ! Our cock-eyed government doe's for very obscure and selfish reasons. After Russia invaded Ukraine, I got a jolt of hard reality. Is the world on the brink of another nuclear war? The last nuclear war happened after the United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese. The cities that were nuked were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The dates of this nuclear war of Japan are August 6th. and 9th. of the year 1945. Historical photos show what the surviving Japanese experience from the radiation. This act by the United States put an end to WW II. What does a nuclear weapon do to humans and our environment? Nuclear weapons produce ironized radiation that sickens and kills the exposed ,contaminates the environment and has long term health consequences like cancer and genetic damage. Any survivors after a Nuclear world war would have to eke out a living on a barren planet. Ask yourself this. Is a nuclear war inevitable or preventable? The two countries, in the world we live in who have developed and have stockpiled nuclear warheads, are Russia and the United States.At present the Russians have 6,257 nukes 3,037 of these are available. The United States has 5,550 nukes having 2,361 available for detonation against any enemy. Russia has nukes positioned to strike six major U.S. cities. These are Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago, and Houston and of course our capital, Washington D.C. With Russia and the United States owning 90% of nuclear weapons, we are both feared in the world as a destructive power of great might. Currently we have the worse administration during a critical time in world history. Joe Biden foolishly told Poland NOT to send the MiG-29 jet fighters to Ukraine in order for that country to defend itself. Biden made a huge possible lethal error in judgement. Because if Russia makes it across Ukraine this could trigger a World War III nuclear war. And it will be more horrible than any of us can imagine.

Nancy Kemler



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