Pastor's Corner


Most everyone is aware that there are people in Canada fighting for their freedoms. Truckers have taken center stage, taking a stand against the government's mandates that are not in the people's best interest. So now, thousands of Canadians are willing to stand up to their government officials. Many don't know that on January 8, 2022, a new law known as C-4 went into effect in Canada. It is illegal for bible-believing parents, counselors, pastors, and other ministries to embark upon efforts involved in "conversion therapy." Conversion therapy is an effort on the part of one person to convince them to change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual behavior or change sexual orientation from transgender to cisgender. The penalty could be as much as 5 years in prison.

This is a highly charged topic, and I know that some of you will find what I believe, to be offensive. That does not make it any less what I believe. I'm not going to present what I believe in this column today other than that I believe in a biblical understanding of right and wrong concerning human sexuality. God designed it to be lived out in a most fulfilling way. I am going to argue that I grew up believing that I had the freedom to believe what I chose to believe, develop a belief system and live my life guided by that belief system. Now that freedom is being threatened.

My Christian friends to the North remind me that I have taken my freedom to believe in God for granted. The freedom to practice what I believe could become a distant memory if trends continue in the direction they are going. We need to pray and seek to serve God in whatever way He expects of us. We need to take advantage of our freedom for as long as we have it and protect it the best we can.

Pastor Lynn Rettig

Musselshell Community

Bible Church


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