Chris Kirk, Musselshell County CFO

Last April, Musselshell County hired Chris Kirk as the new Chief Financial Officer. Chris works with the commissioners on the budget, and making that sure that the money goes to the right place, and correcting things if they do not. Chris has already has worked for the county as the Public Administrator. That is the person who takes care of the estates of people who have no family. Since becoming the CFO, Chris feels comfortable and confident in her new position but said that learning the accounting software had been the biggest challenge of the job because she has not used it before.

Chris explains to me that the County is in a good fiscal position. She further states that there are some exceptions where some things need to be moved and corrected, but the county is in good shape, these are simply adjustments, rather than issues. There are very few accounts that need correction to move the money to go where it is allocated with grants. Chris is still working with the auditor, and the county has a corrective action plan in place for the financial problems of the past. Chris, Cheryl, and Darcy meet with commissioners once a month to see where we (the county) are at, and then once a quarter to address any vouchers or corrective things that need to happen. Chris says there are many grants and it is critical that the money is directed to the right place. One example is the grant to the Sheriff's department for a new K-9 dog. That grant money has to specifically follow with that dog for purchase, training and all that pertains to the dog. Side note: The previous K-9 had to be sold and replaced, as that dog was trained to work with marijuana.

In speaking about how work is getting done in the county, Chris states, "I feel really good, I think we have a really good team here, and we work really good together." Hopefully with the election coming, people will see that we are a really good team and help us continue together. "We are in good shape as a county." The majority of the county's money goes to road upkeep, the sheriff's department, and emergency services. There are many things that the county tax money goes to that are often not thought of, the emergency buildings, road and emergency equipment and maintenance.

It is great to hear that our county is financially flowing as it should, and that we have a group that is working well together. Chris Kirk is a great addition to the team.


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