Letters to the Editor

For two years now, after the Chinese, Wuhan, Covid virus was first announced, our government has pressured us, socially shamed, threatened, and punished us all and worst of all, have made this fear of a virus, a mental illness of many Americans. We have seen children in day care screaming in protest of wearing a face mask and also photos of Americans covered in plastic wrap and heads covered in a clear plastic bag to ward off this virus. Many doctors now call this hysteria, "A mass formation of psychosis." What is a psychosis? It is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. You loose touch with reality. Joe Biden's chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and also head of our National Infectious Disease Department, has been untruthful to both Congress and the American people about his role in the development of Wuhan virus. This man was hired to be our advisor and protector against harmful diseases and yet at the same time, he was funding the Chinese Wuhan LAB where development of Wuhan virus was taking place. Dr. Fauci should be in a federal prison. A leading American doctor and virologist, Dr. Robert Malone, who invented MRNA technology, has explained how Covid hysteria has made once reasonable people, ignore facts like natural immunity, and that absurd mandates take our freedoms away. Dr. Robert Malone also has said openly, that for the first time in history, that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is blamed on those who have not taken it. Now, every day 24/7 we hear of variants of the Wuhan Chinese virus. Want to know what the final variant will be? It will be one called Communism. This unreasonable fear is also causing havoc in our economic system. Shut downs do nothing to stop any virus. The recent U.S. Commerce report has told us that in 2023 and 2024 our nation's growth will only be at 1.1% and 1.2%. The lowest percentages we can have before dipping into a recession. And this is what the Democrat marxist want. NO growth, a slow down so they can force a socialist agenda on us making us less hard working and depending on the government crumbs they hand out to us all. The best cure for any virus, is to stop listening to government offiicial's use your own common sense regarding health, and go about your daily life.

Nancy Kemler



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