Letters to the Editor

In many past editorials I have used the term, Globalist. Today I want to focus on just of these men, Bill Gates. He was born October 22,1955 as William Henry Gates III. He simplified his name Bill Gates to seem more like one of the guys a blue collar worker to draw these to his products as he is a Software Developer and also a investor. Bill Gates parents were Bill Gates Sr. was a American attorney, philanthropist and civic leader. Mother was Lillian Elizabeth Rice, who is known as the mother of Bill Gates III. He has two sisters Kristianne and Elizabeth. Bill Gates got his wealth, estimated today as being $136.5 billion dollars, by stealing software technology from other companies, such as Apple Computer. Steve Jobs one of founders of Apple Company got into constant feuds with Bill Gates over his theft of new software development. Bill Gates and former spouse, Melinda, have a Foundation known world wide as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill and former wife have three children. Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe. Bill Gates attended Harvard University in 1973-75.

Currently, we see Bill Gates buying up farmlands in 18 different states, most acerage has been in Arkansas, Louisiana and Nebraska. Bill Gates now owns 269,000 acres of U.S. farmland making him the largest farmland owner in country. Does this puzzle you as it does me? Bill Gates has been active since the 1970's through out his career he has voiced opinion that world is too populated, we need to reduce numbers of human species by 3 billion people! This past February 21, 2021, heard him say on media that he wants all Western countries to stop eating "Real" meat and to shift to eating synthetic beef products. Here are the chemicals dangerous to man-kind that are used in artificial meat production. TBHQ a synthetic preservative, Magnesium Carbonate, Erythesium [Red#3] for coloring, Propylene Glycal and Terric Orthophospate. When a human being consumes these toxic chemicals it causes heart disease, cancer, obesity leading to Diabetes, and severe bloating. These chemicals kill us! Bill Gates since he advocates for population control, is genetically modifying natural foods? To cause a premature death in all humans across the globe?

I want to walk you back in time to the year of 1818 in order to prove a point. A young woman named Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley sat down and wrote a story. She named this narrative, The modern Prometheus. Prometheus is a Titan in ancient mythology, the supreme trickster and God of fire. Like all British and American classic literary works, a moral lesson is involved in story. In Mary Shelley's book, we see her applying a Charles Darwin theory of her time about Life after Death. Her main characters are a scientist named Frankenstein and his creation that has no name. A young brilliant doctor brings to life a man made from parts of those who have died. Eventually his monster, starts to rot. The creature is angry with Frankenstein who out of guilt takes his monster to Antarctica to try to preserve his life longer. Their ship gets stuck in ice, they run out of food and wood fuel, and we know that they would eventually, perish together. What was the author Mary Shelley trying to tell us in her book, The modern Prometheus? Answer is simple. That man cannot do the work of God. He cannot make life, only God can do this. If he tries, he shall fail just like the scientist Frankenstein did.

Bill Gates has created a monster, himself. He wants to re-design the human species. When this man became so arrogant I am not sure. Bill Gates will fail just as Frankenstein did. A member of our species cannot make a new model based on their opinions. .....

NOTE: Mary Wollstonecraft was married to Percy Bysshe Shelley, a popular poet of their time. Many gave credit of her story to her husband thinking a woman could never write this way. They had four children only Percy, the youngest lived to adulthood. Percy, her unfaithful husband, who had a affair behind her back with a cousin, drowned while sailing off coast in Italy. Mary was born on August 30, 1797 and died February 1, 1851 after a tragic and lonely life of detrayal and great sorrow.

Nancy Kemler



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