Letters to the Editor

I am so disgusted with our government! You have heard I am sure, that Biden and Grass Root so-called immigration groups, want to give illegals who claim to have been separated from their children while crossing illegally into our country, $450,000 a person and as much as $1 million to a family. Most of these kids were kidnapped or taken from Mexican Central American orphanages and sold into sex slavery by Mexican cartel. Remember what you received from YOUR government after the planned demic shut-down? $1200.00 or $2,000 check!! The 2022 primary election is one year away.This may be our last chance to save our country and freedom from Leftist, Marxist, and Globalst. You have one year to start doing research on who will be running and asking for your vote next November. You have heard Biden say, "He wants to change this country fundamentally." Do you remember him saying this when running in 2022? Nor did I. This is why it is so important to do a thorough background on anyone running for a official office in government. So start now, get to your computer and begin a intense passionate background check on these people who ask for your vote.

Nancy Kemler



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