Roundup School Board Meeting Minutes



I. The Trustees of School District No. 55H, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook, Bedford, and Serrano. Administrators in attendance were High School Principal Larson, Elementary Principal Griffith, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Lori Hypes, Kenny Davis, and Sharon McLeod.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on August 9, 2021, were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of September were approved.

Without objection, the fuel bid for September was approved as follows:

Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 3.2289

Diesel: McCleary #1 3.088

McCleary Dist.

#2 2.788

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment

Sharon McLeod asked how many COVID cases we currently have in our schools. Discussion was held.

VI. Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Sealey reported under personnel, we have a letter of resignation from a bus driver. One possible solution would be to purchase another Expedition and use it for students north to Flatwillow. We could then move that driver and another driver to other routes. Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey stated he met with Onsite Energy and the electrician for the solar panel project at the high school. Onsite has some paperwork to submit to Northwestern Energy, and once approved, they should be ready to start installing the panels. Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to review the current superintendent job description that is modeled after the MTSBA job description and decide if they want to update/change said job description. Also, the Board also needs to be thinking about what experience will be required when the job is advertised. For example, how many years of teaching, principal, superintendent experience would be preferred? Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey disbursed a proposed Attendance Center Agreement which is very similar to the agreement between Harlowton and the Colonies in their school district. Discussion was held. We have several months to finalize this agreement. Superintendent Sealey disbursed a handout and reported currently, we pay $10 per hour for substitutes. We do have a long list of new substitutes to approve tonight, but some will work out and be available, and some will not. One of the problems is that if a substitute is needed for just an hour or two, it is difficult to find people. Raising the dollar per hour amount may help with this situation. Discussion was held. Superintendent Sealey and Clerk Eiselein will schedule a meeting with Board members, building principals, and secretaries to brainstorm substitute pay and will bring a recommendation to the next board meeting.

Principal Larson disbursed his September Principal’s Report, and discussion was held.

VII. Old Business

Superintendent Sealey reported the Board needs to review and then add, delete, or change the current board goals for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held, and changes were made. Please see the updated board goals below:

Board Goals for 2021-22

1. Community Center-Pool Area, Wrestling Facility, Daycare

2. Technology Needs and Upgrades

3. Unlocking the Reading Code

4. Safety Plans and Needs

5. Attendance Center (Colony School)

6. School Housing

VIII. New Business


Superintendent Sealey reported a JH/HS housekeeping position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Thomas Harsch a contract for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Thomas Harsch a contract as a JH/HS housekeeper for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year (5hrs/day).



Superintendent Sealey reported a VoAg teaching position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Matthew Vandeberg, a contract for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to offer Matthew Vandeberg a contract as a Vo Ag teacher for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported he received a letter of resignation from Jim Bowman as bus aide effective September 13, 2021. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to accept Jim Bowman’s resignation and allow the administration to advertise this position.



Superintendent Sealey reported an FFA advisor position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Wendy DeMers a contract for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to offer Wendy DeMers a contract as FFA advisor for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported a weights instructor position has been advertised, and the administration recommends offering Jason Larson a contract for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year effective November 15, 2021. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Serrano, seconded by Brewer, it was ordered to offer Jason Larson a contract as a weights instructor and social worker for the 2021-22 school year effective November 15, 2021.

Passed 5-0

Superintendent Sealey reported an assistant volleyball coaching position has been advertised, interviews conducted, and the administration recommends offering Isymae Carlton and Justin Carlton contracts for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Bedford, it was ordered to offer Isymae Carlton and Justin Carlton contracts as assistant volleyball coaches for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported an assistant Fall cheer coaching position has been advertised, interviews conducted, and the administration recommends offering Katie Nelson a contract for the 2021-22 school year. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to offer Katie Nelson a contract as an assistant Fall cheer coach for the 2021-22 school year.



Superintendent Sealey reported he received a letter of resignation from Tammy Bowman as a bus driver effective October 8, 2021. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Bedford, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to accept Tammy Bowman’s resignation and allow the administration to advertise this position. Passed 5-0

Superintendent Sealey reported he received a letter of resignation from Dawn Unzicker as an assistant cook effective September 22, 2021. Discussion was held.



I. The Trustees of School District No. 55, Musselshell County, Roundup, Montana met for their regular board meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 8:24 p.m. in the District Office. Trustees present included Chairperson Vandeberg, Vice-Chairperson Brewer, Snook, Bedford, and Serrano. Administrators in attendance were Elementary Principal Griffith, High School Principal Larson, Superintendent Sealey, and Clerk Eiselein. The meeting was called to order at 8:24 P.M. by Chairperson Vandeberg.

Guests present were Lori Hypes, Kenny Davis, and Sharon McLeod.

II. Consent Agenda

Without objection, the minutes of the regular board meeting held on August 9, 2021, were approved as written.

Without objection, Claims, Supplemental Claims, Payroll and Activities in the month of September were approved. Without objection, the fuel bid for September was approved as follows:

Gasoline: McCleary Dist. 3.2289

Diesel: McCleary #1 3.088


Dist. #2 2.788

III. The order of agenda was approved without changes or amendments.

IV. No correspondence was received.

V. Public Comment None.

VI. Superintendent’s Report

Principal Griffith disbursed and discussed his September Principal’s Report.

VII. Old Business None.

VIII. New Business

Personnel None.

Unforeseen Personnel None.

Resolution-Sale of Obsolete Items

Superintendent Sealey reported a proposed resolution has been included with the board packet for the Board’s review. Discussion was held.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered to approve resolution 101-68-2021.



Student Attendance Agreement

Superintendent Sealey reported the following students are attending Lavina Schools upon their family’s wishes:

Parent/Guardian Student Grade

Amanda Wessel Cody Wessel 6

Jennifer Somers Ryker Somers 3

Everett Somers 5

As the students live in this District, the Board must agree to allow the students to attend Lavina Schools, but will not pay for transportation or tuition.

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered to allow the above-named students to attend Lavina Schools with the understanding that Roundup Schools will not pay tuition or to transport the students to Lavina. Passed 5-0

Upon motion by Snook, seconded by Serrano, it was ordered that the items from the High School meeting be repeated and approved. Those items included:

* Consent Agenda (Fuel Bid & Minutes)

* Old Business

* Personnel

* Unforeseen Personnel

* Board Committees

* Update Policy 3416

* Dates to Remember Passed 5-0

IX. No Executive Session

X. No Future Agenda Items

XI. Adjournment

Upon motion by Brewer, seconded by Snook, it was ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:32 PM.


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