
I read with piqued interest the letter from Ms. Parks in your publication, regarding the public education system and her derivement of education and students behavior. We see daily news reports of mandates affecting our youths educational standards- from common core to critical race theory, and have to wonder what students in todays classrooms are being presented with, and if the viewpoints of todays educators align with those presented at home. It is the elected school boards responsibility and duty to adopt a curriculum and approve textbooks, courses, and standards. Both school district in Musselshell County have policies in place in which a parent may "inspect any educational material used as part of their child's educational curriculum". I wonder if this policy is well known, or adhered to when parents question their child's educational platforms, and if educators present unbiased opinions ranging from politics, science, freedoms of expression, or any of the other agendas -and instead offer dialogue for students to form their own thoughts and opinions. Perhaps a better dialogue is needed between the parents and the education system.

Gary Van Dyke



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