Dr. Fauci

Dr.Strangelove Fauci being investigated now for fraud and lies and also, for taking away our freedoms that so many Americans gave up too quickly over FEAR of a unseen enemy, Chinese virus. Yes, just like I thought and millions of others, including my own doctor, the Commubist Chinese made a Bio Chemical weapon they used against the whole world, and Dr. Fauci and the World Health Organization went along with them. Dr. Strange love Fauci is a dog faced liar so is Joe Biden. Now we have a communist czar in oval office who says this, "The ONLY way to your freedoms is by getting a vaccine against Covid." Go to hell Biden and take Fauci with you. Now another commission to study our world and country troubles has formed. The head of this commission is the same jerk/idiot that controlled the 911 commission, Phillip Zelikow. He along with President Bush, #43, made the PATRIOT ACT, that cost us all many freedoms that we will never get back. Now,what do they plan on taking from us all? Vaccines, I really do not know what to tell you to do if you go tone. These were never approved by FDA and in reality are NOT vaccines, but gene therapy. Just watch yourselves and see if any after effects begin, then sue whom ever led you to believe in vaccines safety.

Nancy Kemler



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