Montana House of Representatives Takes Up Four Pro-Life Bills, Recognizes March for Life

HELENA- The Montana House of Representatives is voting on four pro-life bills this afternoon. House Bills 136, 140, 167, and 171 prevent abortions once an unborn child is capable of feeling pain, require doctors to provide pregnant women with the opportunity to view their full medical file, prevent chemical abortion drugs from being mailed by requiring in-person visits, and create a Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.

“Montanans respect life, ethical medical practices, and allowing women to fully consent to medical decisions,” House Majority Leader Sue Vinton (R-Billings) said Monday. “These bills will protect the health and safety of pregnant women and their unborn children, and also give women the respect that they deserve when making serious medical decisions.”

This week March for Life is also being celebrated across the country. The sponsors of the above bills along with Majority Leader Vinton recorded videos discussing what the bills do and their importance. You can view them on the House Republicans’ YouTube page.

HB 136 is the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. It prevents abortions after 5 months of pregnancy when the child can feel pain, unless for the safety of the mother.

HB 140 allows women to be offered the opportunity to view their ultrasound and listen to the fetal heartbeat before having an abortion. Some women have not had this opportunity and regretted their decision leading to psychological trauma.

HB 167 is the Montana Abortion Inducing Drug Risk Protocol Act. It requires in-person visits for prescribing chemical abortion drugs. These drugs can lead to serious medical complications. They are also used by human traffickers and domestic abusers because they can currently be sent through the mail. This bill does not impact emergency contraceptives such as “Plan B” because they are different drugs.

HB 171 creates a referendum to establish the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This bill puts to the voters of Montana a referendum declaring that infants born alive during a botched abortion are legal persons entitled to proper medical care.


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